Shiori Kitano: The thing people fear most isn't dying, it's being forgotten.

Jake Hopper: I liked you a lot better as a bitch.

Les Gault: What'd you do that for?
Joe Taylor: I had no use for it.
Les Gault: Must be worth something, though.
Joe Taylor: Not to me.

Alicia: Guys, check out this book. Looks pretty old, maybe it'll help us.

Amy Myer: We could stage a fight or something. That way they won't be shocked when they find out we didn't last.
Peter Connor: Who says we won't.

Charley: Excuse the cryin'. I am a damn cryin' machine. That's why I drink so much water, won't have any fluids left in me. Have you ever been depressed?
William Gibbs: I've never not been depressed.

Psychologist: You know, some folks believe everyone has a public life, a private life, and a secret life. What do you think about that?
Dan Mahowny: The thing is, I guess... that my secret life... is a bit less secret than everyone else's right now.

Guy Burgess: Vladivostok, Moscow, the Kusnetsk Basin, Cambridge - the coldest places on Earth. Of the four, Cambridge is the coldest, permanently February the nineteenth.

Sarah Jordan: Perhaps we are all refugees from something, but I see now there is nothing to fear, that the world we hold onto, the lives we cherish, are a part of something greater, something more. When I look at my children I see it so, that hope, that chance of life, and I know it's worth fighting for.

Baloo: In case you haven't noticed, kid, I'm no wild animal. Except at parties.

Aman Mathur: I have a theory about girls. The more you run after them, the more they will run away from you. But if you run away from them they will be confused and will run after you to find out the reason for their confusion. And we have to take advantage of such a confusion of a confused girl.
Rohit Patel: Even I'm confused.