Chon Wang: The English are not very friendly.
Roy: They're just sore losers.
Chon Wang: What did they lose?
Roy: A little thing called the American Revolution, Chon.
Chon Wang: Never heard of it.
Roy: I'll give you the highlights. They came over with about a million men. We had a bunch of farmers with pitchforks and beat 'em like a drum.
Roy: So what are we gonna do? Come on, think! I'm not going to an English prison. With my feathery blond hair and Chon's athletic build, they'll try to make us the bell of the ball.
Chon Wang: Roy! The painting! It's looking at me.
Roy: Oh yeah, it looks like it's looking at me too. That's great.
Roy: Just go ahead and drown me! I don't care anymore.
Chon Wang: For father.
Chon Lin: For father.
Roy: For Old Man Wang.
Chon Wang: It's a puzzle box. I don't know how to open it.
Roy: What do you mean, you don't know how to open it? You just get a hammer and smash it open so you can see what it says.
Chon Wang: No. I must have patience. By the time I'm able to open it, I will be ready to read the message.
Roy: Oh, come on, Confucius, that's the corniest thing I've ever heard.
Roy: Ok, Chon, ya little Chinese otter. Let's play.
Roy: Hey, Rathbone! I was just thinking of a title for my new book. "Roy O'Bannon vs. Little Lord Sissy." Or how about "Roy O'Bannon versus the Man who would be Queen?"
Chon Wang: You know what I call him? Not Roy O'Bannon. Roy O'Boloney.
Roy: She's gonna fight my battles for me.
Roy: You just smashed my puzzle box. I'll never figure out my message.
Roy: Guys, do whatever you want to the kid, but that's my watch you're holding.
Fagin #1: Well, there's a load of us, and only two of you, so piss off.
Roy: Easy fellas, you lost one war this way, don't make the same mistake twice.
Roy: So what did your dad do? Was he an imperial guard?
Chon Wang: No, much more important. He was the Keeper of the Imperial Seal.
Roy: That's what I love about China. Everybody's job description sounds so damn cool.
Chon Wang: Who would leave a pile of stones in the middle of a field?
Roy: I don't know, Chon, these people are nuts.
Chon Wang: Roy! There you are. Need anything, buddy?
Roy: A whole lot of "leave me alone."
Roy: Hey, Chon, you're lucky I didn't invest in that ridiculous "auto-mobile" idea. Yeah, that's gonna make a lot of money.
Answer: The song is "My Generation" performed by The Who.