Osmosis: We were so poor, we lived off peanut butter and cellulite sandwiches! You ever try to blow-dry your hair with a fart?
Drix: OK, I get it. You were poor.
Osmosis: You bet I was! You ever try to make a snowman out of toilet paper cling-ons? Now that's poor!
Drix: OK, please, you're going to make me vomit!
Osmosis: Vomit? We couldn't afford no vomit; that's for rich folk.
Drix: Excuse me while I wipe my eyes.
Osmosis: Oh, you wanna talk about wiping?
Drix: No.

Jack: If y... if you ever get the chance... Raysy. I... if, if you ever get the option - you go first. It's the carrying on that's hard.

Meg Harper: You're having a panic attack, do you know what that means?
Joe: It sounds pretty self-explanatory.

Randy: There's the ten-thousand dollars... well, aren't you gonna count it?
Mr. Burmeister: Nah.
Randy: You trust me?
Mr. Burmeister: No, but I kill people.

[Afer Max punches a hole in a wall.]
Max Prince: I wanna hit something else. Something big! Something expensive!
Milt Fields: There's a bank across the street, Max.

Psychiatrist: Of these three, which in your view is the most important: Faith, hope or love?
Charlotte Gray: Hope.

Elizabeth: Boys never used to notice me before. I wasn't even on their list of alternatives.

Betty Elms: I hate you. I hate us both.