Casares: Stay by my side as my light grows dim /as my blood slows down and my nerves shatter with stabbing pain / as my heart grows weak / and the wheels of my being turn slowly / Stay by my side /as my fragile body is racked by pain /which verges on truth / and manic time continues scattering dust / and furious life bursts out in flames. Stay by my side / as I fade / so you can point to the end of my struggle /and the twilight of eternal days / at the low, dark edge of life.

Feki: It is enough I remember you offered it to me.

Jack: I thought I was disconnected from everything, for a long time I'd been leading an unstable, risky life. I'd hung out with all sorts of people, nothing could shock me anymore. I was not impressed by the unexpected, I'd always been able to handle it. That night however, when I saw Claire again, I just fell to pieces. I thought I'd managed to forget her, I'd overcome the pain and remorse which made me want to see her again.

Cyrus: Apparently, stubbornness is an ingrained family trait.
Rudy Cafmeyer: It beats a messiah complex any day.

Tom Jericho: Puck and Claire were having an af.
Wigram: Were seeing each other, as you like to put it. Seeing each other's brains out.

Count Thibault: You are more than a rose. You are love's own flower.

Hercule Poirot: She is an elderly lady. She has more strength in her will as in her arm.

Phil Allen: A beauty is that, Shelley. A beauty.

Steve Meyers: What do you think of a moral victory?
Anna Redmond: A moral victory sounds good.

Roxana: And remember, turn on the headlights.