Robert Benchley: You'd have to wear out a pretty large hole in your pocket to lose me, Mrs. Parker.

Felicia: Oh, you can't do that with a ping-pong ball.
Bernadette: Do you wanna bet?

Peter Brackett: Where did you say you were from? Bitchville?

Ray Quick: You like watching them die? You like taking them down? Now I'm taking you down. You're finished in the agency. You're going no higher. You're as dead as those people in the river. We both are.

Silas Crow: My name is Silas Crow. I'm 18-years-old. For a year, me and Frank Fencepost been trying to get into this mechanic school. First, they tell us we gotta write a story. Something about something we know. Well, for a long time I couldn't find one, I mean, lots of stuff goes on here, but I couldn't see it as stuff you'd write down.

Ludwig van Beethoven: It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer.

Scrawny Teen: I can see.
John Trent: Excuse me?
Scrawny Teen: He sees you.
John Trent: Great, uh... tell him I say hi.

Fiona: Why does he run from me?
Tadhg: Why do you chase him?
Tadhg: He's my little brother! He's lost out there.
Tadhg: He's not lost... he's just with another branch of the family.

Doug Chesnic: Don't you see? If he is involved, then her life is worthless, you understand? They had to fucking kill her.

Sergeant Kesuke Miyagi: The sun is warm, the grass is green.
Julie Pierce: What?
Sergeant Kesuke Miyagi: If today Julie-san get angry, just you repeat those words.

Francesco Dellamorte: Hell, at a certain point in life, you realise you know more dead people than living.

Vincent Eastman: We weren't a family. We were a corporation. With a kid.

Billy: I stole cars at school. Take them over at break. Leave it parked outside the gates and at the end of the day I was the only kid to drive home. I was a fucking hero.

Johnny McFarley: Hey Peaches, want some ribs?