Fred Flintstone: I'm only one man.
Barney Rubble: Not from the back.

Captain Thaddeus Harris: Not exactly a four star hotel, is it?
Lieutenant Talinsky: Well, we spend our police budget on fighting criminals, not on pampering out of town visitors.
Captain Thaddeus Harris: It was your government that brought us here.
Lieutenant Talinsky: They also bring in monkeys for zoo, but we don't put them in four star hotel either.

Charles Van Doren: I've stood on the shoulders of life and I've never gotten down into the dirt to build, to erect a foundation of my own. I've flown too high on borrowed wings. Everything came too easy.

Dr. Bill Capa: Always guess the cliche, and you won't be disappointed.

Menchu: Well, my philosophy is, if you're gonna get fucked, you might as well lie back and enjoy it.

Dr. Alex Hesse: My nipples are very sensitive.

Lt. Jake Stone: Don't ever throw a cat on me again.

Heather: Barry, I saw you, you were kissing her.
Barry: Once, I kissed her once! God, it's like I can't talk to my friends anymore, I can't believe how posessive you are.
Heather: Oh right, I guess that's why you were feeling her up?
Barry: Look, guys need sex. It's bad for you if you get all worked up and then not get it, you can get "prostrate" cancer. Is that what you want?

Darcy: He said you're a hard man. Just how hard are you, Mr. Jones?
David Sloan: Um... hard enough.

Fumio Funakoshi: What style is that?
Chen Zhen: Don't ask! if it works, it's a good one.

Iago: Reality check. Jafar is large and in charge.

Big Mike: Hey, Cupcake, what the fuck you think you're looking at?
Forrest Taft: Nothing much at all.

Chris Morrow: Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti.
Richard "Ditch" Brodie: Excuse me?
Chris Morrow: KGB, for short.
Richard "Ditch" Brodie: Oh, come on! It's the KG-used-to-B.

Alice Green: I think I could love you again if you could, for once, say 'I don't know.'.