Best TV questions of all time

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The X-Files picture

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Question: In a vast majority of the episodes, whenever Mulder and Scully investigate some mysterious or paranormal phenomenon, Mulder believes that some unknown force is responsible but Scully always has a rational explanation for what is happening. In other episodes, when Scully herself is caught up in something mysterious, she is the believer but Mulder is the skeptic. In those episodes, why would Mulder be skeptical about an unexplained phenomenon considering that he a was witness to his own sisters abduction and he saw many strange things that defied explanation while working for the F.B.I.?

Answer: As he stated many times throughout the series, Mulder needed Scully to be sober and skeptical. Whenever Scully's skepticism wavered and she started questioning her own rationality, Mulder would try to restore her sense of skepticism, because he needed her to be clear-thinking.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: A variety of reasons. Just because Scully saw something unusual does not mean that it was. Mulder always needs concrete proof before he'll believe there's some otherworldly explanation for unexplained phenomena. He's too experienced to take a novice's explanation as fact. It is also a plot by device by the writers to switch the tables on the characters to make it more interesting and to let viewers see another side of their relationship.

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Goosebumps picture

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Question: At the start of every episode, it shows a man dressed in black carrying a black briefcase with the name R.L. Stine on it. Is the man in black really R.L. Stine or a crew member, and we are meant to only think it's Stine?

Answer: According to all online sources I found, yes, this really was R.L. Stine.


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Monk picture

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Question: If Monk is afraid of germs, then why does he keep touching things that could possibly have germs on them like parking meters or books?

Answer: Notice also that in the opening credits scene when he is touching parking meters her also wipes his hand on his clothes each time he does it.

Answer: That's the thing about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's not something rational. He just has to touch things like that. It's not something he can rationally think through. However, since part of his disorder includes an obsession with cleanliness, he also has an assistant walk around handing him wipes periodically. It's like when he gets a cold and uses both a humidifier (because that's what you use when you're congested) and a dehumidifier (to counteract the effects of the humidifier). He may spout rationalizations after he does something, but his compulsions exist outside of any rational thought whatever.


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House, M.D. picture

Occam's Razor - S1-E3

Question: I apologize I guessed at the episode, it was the one which featured Brandon, the boy who had the pills mix up and had sex with his fiancée at the beginning. I'm a little confused as to the ending, what was the significance of the letters on the pills? Why did the two doctors make a big deal about it when Brandon told them about it? Why was House so pleased to find those two pills in the inventory? It seemed like a sudden end to me.

Answer: You have the right episode. The big deal at the end about the letters on the pills was to show that Brandon had the wrong pills all along. House was smiling because he was right.


More House, M.D. questions

Answer: She was in the show 90210, so I'm guessing it's a reference to something she did in the show?

More Drawn Together questions
Frasier picture

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Question: Counting his role on Cheers, Kesley Grammar has played Fraiser for twenty years. Is this the record for the longest portrayal of a character by a TV actor?

Answer: It equals the record of James Arness of "Gunsmoke" for the actor who's played the same part on TV NOT in a soap opera. If you include soaps there are two main contenders - William Roache, who's been playing Ken Barlow in "Coronation Street" in the UK since 1960. Don Hastings has been playing Robert Hughes in US soap "As the World Turns" since 1960 as well.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit picture

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Question: Why does Oliver Gates come up with ridiculous reasons for the people he defends whenever they commit murder? In the episode "Hate", Sean Webster was killing Muslims and Oliver claims that his hatred was genetic but, it was found out that Sean had been raised to hate Muslims after his dad left his mom and married a muslim. In the episode "Game" a guy is murdering people the exact same way that's done in a video game when it's clear the suspect is using the video game as a scapegoat for his crimes.

Answer: His clients are guilty and won't take a plea. He's using desperate defenses in hopes of swaying a juror or two. Also makes for better television. "Temporary insanity" isn't nearly as compelling as "the video games made me do it."

Brian Katcher

More Law & Order: Special Victims Unit questions

Answer: In S3 x E11 Convicts-at-Large, there is a character named Big Maude Tyler, who is the leader of three female escaped convicts. Andy listens to the radio as the news announcer says that Big Maude's aliases include Clarice or Annabelle Tyler and also one amusingly named Ralph Henderson.

Super Grover

More The Andy Griffith Show questions
Night Court picture

Hi Honey, I'm Home - S1-E13

Question: In this episode, a married woman is surprised to discover that her first husband, a soldier who was MIA and then declared legally dead is still alive. How would this affect her marriage to her second husband? Is she still legally married to her first husband?

Answer: Being declared legally dead is called "death in absentia", meaning there is no evidence of death (i.e. a body), but the individual is presumed dead. This can happen to anyone, not just MIA soldiers. If a spouse petitions the courts to grant a divorce on the presumption of death and all criteria are meet, they are legally divorced and free to remarry. The return of the presumed dead would not change the divorce ruling. However, if a spouse does not go through the legal steps prior to remarrying, then the return of the presumed dead spouse would nullify and void the 2nd marriage immediately (and the remarried spouse could face bigamy charges).


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Daredevil picture

Reunion - S3-E11

Question: The burial vault which Matt and Karen hide in has the name "Edmond Cleary Cass" on the front of it, shown pretty. Does that name have any significance to the show or Marvel?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: After some research, I can say that no, Cass is not a character of Marvel, nor is he present in the Netflix show. As far as I can tell, it's either a real person, or a random name chosen for the coffin, most likely the former. In another season of Daredevil, the show utilized a real cemetery displaying real names in the tombstones.

Answer: I did a little research too. Interestingly enough I found a Friar named "Edmund Cass" who as far as I could tell is still alive and well. I wonder if that was just a coincidence.

More Daredevil questions
Counterpart picture

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Question: Why are the computers in the office on "our" side so outdated? Phones aren't, and we see computers elsewhere that are modern. People get visas to come through into the world as a whole, so they'll see technological differences there - why keep the office so behind the times?

Jon Sandys

Answer: Great question, this bothered me too. Throughout the series, both sides take extraordinary measures to protect their technologies, but several times allow people to enter on official visas with unsupervised access. This is a plot mistake.

More Counterpart questions
Prison Break picture

Greatness Achieved - S4-E9

Question: How does Don Self know that Miriam should work at Gate when nobody knew about the location of Scylla? Or Whistler wanting to work there?

Answer: Don Self actually worked with Whistler before he died. And Whistler with the bird book actually knew where Scylla was.

Answer: Because Miriam was an agent.

But that still doesn't make sense because nobody knew where Scylla was.

He knew that GATE was mentioned in the bird book. He worked with Whistler and had probably discussed GATE with him, so it was clear enough that it was a big part of the plan to get Scylla. Sending an agent to work there in any position would've been a big help for intel, as she could assess the environment and perhaps uncover what Whistler's plan was. He didn't anticipate T-bag's hijacking of the plan, hence why he sent Miriam and not a more combat-trained agent. She was only there for information.

More Prison Break questions

Answer: Because he stole a chemical from his lab.

But Batman knew that with it, Clayface could permanently retain his shape and Clayface desperately wanted to be Matt Hagen again. In a sense, Batman stopped Clayface from becoming human.

More Batman: The Animated Series questions
Everybody Loves Raymond picture

Pet Cemetery - S5-E5

Question: Frank found a small amount of money with his metal detector at the end. He left saying he would buy a "yoohoo". Does anyone know what that is?

Answer: The original Yoo-hoo is a chocolate flavored drink in a bottle, but there are other flavors, most popular being Double Fudge Yoo-hoo and Strawberry Yoo-hoo.

Super Grover

More Everybody Loves Raymond questions

Answer: No the guy sent in a picture of himself because he thought he looked like Al. So they brought him on the show as his brother.


Answer: According to Richard has only one sister.


Answer: It should also be noted, Richard Karn is his stage name as Karn is his middle name. His real name is Richard Wilson. Cal was played by Keith Lehman.


Siblings can have different last names. One might have a different father. Maybe one legally changed his name for some reason, or a man took his wife's last name (not as common, but it happens). Of course, these two actors are not actually related, but I just wanted to point this out.


More Home Improvement questions
The Big Bang Theory picture

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Question: How come Raj has no problem speaking to his mother, but, when around other women, such as Penny, he immediately stops talking? Also, why does he have to whisper in someone's ear if he wants to ask Penny something?

Answer: Because Raj's selective mutism seems to be caused by women that Raj sees (on some sort of conscious or subconscious level) as a potential sexual partner. An attribute that wouldn't apply to either his sister or mother.

More The Big Bang Theory questions

Answer: Yes. Many things that would have been in the sixth season would have had Norman Osborne returning from limbo and reclaiming the title of the Green Goblin, Richard Fisk, the son of "The Kingpin" Wilson Fisk would return as a crime lord known as "The Rose", Ghost Rider would have appeared to help Spider-Man stop Dormammu from returning to Earth and Madame Web and Spider-Man would rescue Mary Jane from limbo.

More Spider-Man questions
Fireball XL5 picture

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Question: In various episodes, Steve Zodiac, Venus and Matt use odd slang, such as "tootie" and "tooties" and "toot," usually in a demeaning or disparaging way. Venus says, "I'm a tootie!" when she forgets to make the coffee, for example, and Steve says "I'm a tootie!" when he forgets to press a certain button or something. In at least one episode, Matt is called "a cheating old toot." I gather that saying "toot" or "tootie" is like saying "fool" or "doofus" or something similar. Is this slang that producer Gerry Anderson just arbitrarily dreamed up? Or is it part of an English dialect that I've never heard elsewhere?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Been living in the UK, man and boy, for 70 years and "tootie" is not a word we have ever used. So why Gerry Anderson uses it is a complete mystery.

More Fireball XL5 questions

Chosen answer: The first time was in the first season, episode 19 "The Seven-Month Itch", the second was in the fourth season, episode 1 "Greek Week", the third time was in the fifth season, episode 19 "The Devil Made Me Do It" and finally in the very last episode of the series, "Michelle Rides Again", season 8 episode 23.


More Full House questions
Dead Like Me picture

Reaping Havoc - S1-E5

Question: What is the song playing over the end of "Reaping Havoc", after Betty has thrown herself into the void? It plays at several other times this season, but this is the first and longest playing of it.


Chosen answer: The Song is Callled "Boom Boom Ba" and is by the band Metisse. it plays at certain points during the series. Mainly when George is looking over Reggie or in Reaping Havoc where it plays whilst shes showing her scrapbook "Mysterious and Reassuring" which is what she thought Betty was.

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