Question: Why do Power Rangers series reuse original Sentai fight footages instead of filming new footage?

Answer: To my eye, she resembles a pre-pubescent Barney-like dinosaur, with inexplicable antennae and a case of pink-hued vitiligo. However, as her name implies, she is actually a unique fabrication of the program creators, and reflects no actual animal. The series uses the word "Uniqua" as both the character's name, and the designation for her species.

Question: Does anyone know why Wendy Richard (Ms. Brahms) is the only one not wearing blackface for the musical number at the end of the episode?
Answer: In minstrel shows there was also a stereotype of black men preying on white women, so that's probably why she was not in black face. Also, Mrs. Slocombe is in blackface because she is an older, stout woman and she fits the "mammy" stereotype.
Answer: In Britain, there was the show Black and White Minstrels which was very popular until the late 70s. The men were all blacked up, but the women weren't - hence Black and White Minstrels. It's been a while since I saw the episode to know if Mrs Slocombe was blacked up as well, but technically she shouldn't have been.

Question: Why would Solo compare the descending elevator to an Eaton's department store, when these only existed in Canada?

The Suicide - S3-E15
Question: When George and Elaine go to see the psychic, the psychic tells George that she sees a Pauline. George gasps and says that his brother once impregnated a woman named Pauline. Since when does George have a brother? Was this brother shown or mentioned in any other episode?
Chosen answer: George does mention his brother in the episode "The Parking Space". They actually really never mention anything that contradicts the fact he had a brother though, it just isn't mentioned.

Leaping of the Shrew - September 27, 1956 - S5-E3
Question: Shortly after Sam throws some items off the life raft, Al appears and tells him that because of what Sam had done, neither he nor Vanessa would be saved for quite a while. If Sam had not done anything, both of them would have been rescued within an hour. I might be wrong about this next part so further verification will help. Al also said that because of Sam throwing stuff into the ocean, that somehow, instead if only being stranded in the lifeboat for a few minutes, four whole hours have passed. How could tossing anything into the ocean have made time move so rapidly?
Answer: Sam threw items off the raft to lighten the load, so it wouldn't sink, in doing so he made the raft less heavy. Which made easier to float with the currents, if it was heavy the raft would have moved slower and not moved so far.
Except that Al said that immediately after throwing stuff out of the boat four hours passed and it was shown that they didn't really move from where they were. They were still in the same spot. Forgot to ask this too. When Sam and Vanessa are stranded on the island, one of them, can't remember who, did something and when Al appears, he tells them that because of it, time had suddenly skipped several more hours and if the event hadn't been interrupted, they would have been rescued by a boat. So, what happened on the island that once again caused time to speed up? It seems kind of strange that time could move so quickly on the island, especially since it was still day time and it never showed any sort of changes like the sun or clouds moving.

Opie Joins the Marines - S2-E26
Question: How can Andy meet Sergeant Carter here if they met in the pilot episode of Gomer Pyle, USMC?
Answer: There's no indication they were meeting for the first time, in fact they seem to know each other as Sgt. Carter addresses Andy only as "Sheriff". Gomer Pyle just says his two favorite people are "meeting face to face", and obviously in the pilot episode Sgt. Carter wasn't one of Pyle's favorite people yet.

Unrest at the Nursery! - S15-E47
Question: Why did Vullaby run away from the nursery? Was it because of Layla hurting her feelings?
Answer: Yes it ran away because Layla hurt its feelings.

Question: Why would Luke Dempsey be arrested along with his father? He had no idea what his father was doing, never aided him in any way and only found out the truth after catching him in the act.
Answer: He helped his father evade capture, impeding the investigation.

Question: Why is this show called "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" and not "Heracles: The Legendary Journeys"? Heracles was of Greek mythology and Hercules was from Roman mythology.
Answer: Because most Americans are more familiar with the name Hercules. The show, as I recall, wasn't exactly true to the original Greek mythology anyway.

Instrument of Destruction - S1-E12
Question: Throughout the entire Power Rangers series, Skull has shown to scream in fear whenever confronted by a terrifying monster or a group of them. In this episode, how was Skull, who was dressed up as the Phantom Pianist at the time, able to keep his fear in check when the Cogs came to get him?
Answer: Instrument of Destruction.
The question was how was Skull able to keep his fear in check when the Cogs came to get him. Not what episode it happened in.

Question: What did Al remove from The Lundys' car to cause it to crash?
Answer: It was one of the hoses connected to the engine, nothing specific, but to indicate that Al tampered with the vehicle.

Question: How is Scarlet Spider still alive if he was in the crashing Hydra island?
Chosen answer: He simply survived the crash without much explanation of exactly how. However, he hid from everyone after the crash to find out his truth, so everyone just thought he died. (This is common is comics where someone is presumed dead or in a situation "no one could survive" and then later shows up alive and the how isn't explained).

Question: Why did Lane Henderson (Louise's father) murder his wife?
Answer: In a flashback scene, it was shown that he had a violent temper, so it stands to reason that he finally killed her in a fit of rage.

Question: In the last few episodes of series 1, Horatio tells a few people that they will be spending the next few years a jail. But sometimes he says a 6x6 cell and others a 6x9 cell. So I was wondering do the sizes of cells usually differ or was it just a slip of the tongue?
Answer: Yes, sizes of jails differ.

Tree House of Horror V - S6-E6
Question: Homer travels back in time and causes changes by what he does in the past, like stepping on a bug. I once saw a movie with the same basic plot: some people travel back in time and are told to be careful not to disturb anything, but when they return to their time everything has changed. In the end they discover it was because they stepped on a butterfly. Does anyone know the name of this movie?
Answer: I'm not sure if this is the one you're thinking of, but an episode of "Ray Bradbury Theatre," called "A Sound of Thunder," dealt with a similar matter: a group of hunters travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs, only to find things have changed when they get back because someone stepped on a butterfly.

Answer: "Club Mario" was reruns of the original show repackaged with new live action segments. It was a cheap way to present the old animated episodes as a new show. Club Mario was incredibly unpopular and eventually reruns of the original show with the Captain Lou Albano segments were aired in its place.
Answer: Probably to save on costs of filming the same scene. In the reused shots they have always morphed so you can't see the actors. They just have to pay them to do voice-overs rather than the entire scene.
Ssiscool ★