Question: Did the actress who plays Nina know the entire time that she was supposed to be bad, or was this written into the show mid-season?

Question: Could someone translate into English the chant that Laverne and Shirley do at the start of every episode?
Answer: After counting to 8, the next two words are yiddish. A "schlemiel" is an inept clumsy person. A "schlimazel" is a chronically unlucky person. For example, if you are in a restaurant, and you see a waiter spill soup on a customer, the schlemiel is the waiter who spilled the soup, and the schlimazel is the guy who got the soup spilled onto him (and the schmegeggie - not part of the chant - is the doormat who gets stuck paying the check!). Hasenpfeffer is a traditional German stew made from marinated rabbit. Pfeffer is not only the name of a spice, but also of a dish where the animal's blood is used as a gelling agent for the sauce. All of it is just a silly phrasing that's part of a children's game.

Question: In one episode (I think it's My Balancing Act) Dr Kelso is trying to scare the interns, so he pulls his face off and 'becomes' a guy with crazy ginger hair and a very annoying loud voice. I'm a Brit so that's maybe why I don't recognise this guy. Is he supposed to be someone famous?
Answer: This is an American comedian called Scott Thompson, more widely known by his stage name of "Carrot Top".

Question: What episode is it that Ellen admits she's a lesbian?
Answer: This groundbreaking episode was in the fourth season, episodes 22 and 23.

Question: Is Pidge a boy or a girl?
Chosen answer: I don't think it's ever said. I always assumed Pidge was a boy, and I'm not sure why. I think because it was a man who did the voice.
She is a girl it is made clear she is a girl in episode 5 season 1. It is also made apparent she is a girl in season 8.

Question: Why does General Ross keep trying to kill Hulk?
Answer: The Hulk is a giant brute who smashes everything in his path when he is angry. In Ang Lee's "Hulk," General Ross, played by Sam Elliot, explains it to his daughter.
Answer: Because he feels the Hulk is a threat to all life on Earth, and particularly his daughter's close relationship with Bruce Banner puts her at risk when Hulk enters the equation.
Why does Ross think the hulk is a threat?
Because the Hulk is nearly mindless and goes on destructive rampages with high risk of collateral damage.
If that's the case, what's the problem with the way general Ross judges the hulk?

Question: If Angel didn't experience a "Moment of Perfect Happiness" from his night with Darla, why does he go through the same motions he went through from losing his soul before?
Answer: Due to his epiphany, Angel basically had the 'true darkness' he worked so hard to reattain ripped away from him, like his soul was after sleeping with Buffy.

Question: Do they ever say why the cheerleading coach hates the Glee club?

I'd Rather Twitch Than Fight - S3-E10
Question: Darren was angry at Samantha for getting rid of his favorite coat so, why was he even angrier when he got it back?
Answer: Larry had been telling Darrin what it means psychologically that Samantha gave the coat away. Larry said giving it away meant she's happy being married but if she liked the coat it means she desires to be single and carefree. So when Darrin sees the coat, he immediately thinks Samantha doesn't want to be married and the fact that she twitched it means (in his mind) she wants to be a single, carefree witch again.
Answer: I haven't seen the episode, but generally in the show, Darrin was always suspicious that Samantha always used some kind of witchcraft for any situation (even if she didn't). He probably figured the same thing with the coat while in her possession.
You should watch the episodes in question before giving an answer so you know what you're talking about.

Question: The show's theme song is played at the start of each episode. For the life of me, I cannot understand the first line. "...back to the past, Samurai Jack." What is that first line of that theme?
Chosen answer: Gotta get back, back to the past...

Janitor Dad - S4-E6
Question: When Chet and Verna are arguing about Chet getting a job, visible in the background is a painting of what I believe is an oak tree on a yellow background. Does anybody know the name and/or artist of this painting? My Grandparents used have a painting similar to it (if not the same one) and it also looks very similar to (and possibly the inspiration for) the cover art for the debut album of the band Days of the New.

Question: Is there any information on the entity shown in "Midnight?" It seems interesting enough to have some depth to it. It seemed to be bad in nature. It also seems to have been exactly what the woman that was possessed was afraid of.
Chosen answer: No, no information is avalible for the identity of the entity.

Communication Problems (a.k.a. Theft) - S2-E1
Question: What's the name of the piece of music played when Basil turns up the radio after Mrs Richards says it (the radio) doesn't work?
Answer: It's "Leisure Complex" by Dave Gold and Gordon Rees. Can be found on YouTube. The relevant clip is around 25 seconds in.

Question: Why in season 9 do so many of the episodes follow many of the characters on their days off?
Chosen answer: Probably to broaden the scope of the show's plot and give the audience a chance to see the characters in a different setting, People act differently at home from the way they do at their workplace. By the ninth season, the characters would have become overly familiar and predictable. It gives the writers a chance to do something different with them.

Question: Which 1967 episode or what specific story line has Louis Edmonds in close-up because he didn't have time to put his pants back on?
Answer: It's probably episode 193 (even though the slate at the beginning says 58). It's the episode with Sam demanding that Roger return his paintings. Three clues from the Dark Shadows Companion and from the comments of Kathryn Leigh Scott and Louis Edmonds all agree that 1) Scott is in the episode and is done for the day prior to Edmonds without his pants; 2) Edmonds is wearing a smoking jacket, and 3) Edmonds is leaning on the mantle (which is actually the cabinet where the liquor is, because the fireplace mantle is too high to lean on and the bench in front of it prevents getting too close to). There are several "breaks" in the lengthy scene where commercial were probably inserted, and all of the shots are above the waist. The previously mentioned episode 54 has Edmonds in a suit and Scott isn't in the episode; episode 54 doesn't have Edmonds or Scott; and episode 86 only has Edmonds in a suit.
Lou Edmonds was a consummate actor and would not forget that he had a lengthy scene to perform. Rather, in Episode 86, Edmonds more understandably forgot that he had to perform one last 15-second scene (a simple toast). He had removed his shoes and pants before he was reminded of the final, brief shot, and he hurried back to complete it.
Answer: There seems to be some confusion among Dark Shadows fans as to the episode: Some claim it was Episode 54, while others claim it was Episode 85. However, the scene actually appeared in Episode 86. Louis Edmonds (as Roger Collins) thought he had completed all his shots for the day and was removing his costume when he was reminded that he had one more shot. With only seconds to spare, Edmonds hurried back to the set without his pants or shoes (some whispering and shuffling is heard in the background just before the camera goes live). Whereupon, with an amused expression, Edmonds pours himself a brandy and strolls across the study before delivering his last line, a toast: "Miss Victoria Winters, no matter where you are." The shot was slightly adjusted to only cover Edmonds from the elbows-up.
Thank you so much! I had it narrowed down to 3 episodes and the actual one was among them. Thank you again.
Answer: Yes...episode 193 is the only episode to include all three clues (character Maggie appears earlier, character Roger is in a smoking jacket, and lastly, he has brandy in hand and elbows are atop the liquor cabinet. It the last scene in the black and whit episode where Sam Evans is demanding that his paintings back from Roger. And if you keep your eyes on Sam, you will see him glance downward twice at Roger. This eoisode is in Collection 6, disk 2 and even though it's listed in the Dark Shadows Companion as episode 193, the slate at the very beginning says episode 58.

Question: Re "The Suite Life Movie", I have two questions. One: Zack is flirting with a girl named Nelly throughout the whole movie, but he has a girlfriend, Maya. Is he cheating? Two: (SPOILER ALERT!) Near the end, when Zack and Cody are free from becoming merged, they return to their normal life, but they still have stages 1, 2, and half of stage 3 still in them. Does this wear off, or are they still like that?
Chosen answer: One: Zack doesn't meet Maya until after the movie. Two: There are 2 possibilities. The first one, the steps might worn off after they got to the ship. and the second answer, London said she talks to animals since she ate them, it never worn off.
Zack definitely met Maya before the movie takes place, SPOILER in the final episode when they break up Zack says they've been together for 3 months, and not only does the movie take place during spring break which is less than 3 months from normal graduation, but also their graduation date gets moved up since the ship got sold.
The movie is set between the last two episodes; they had already met.

Question: In the episode when George renovates the garage for Angie, is the boy that Carmen loses the debate to supposed to be Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite?
Answer: Yes, the boy was an intentional reference to the film.

Question: Why do the boys decide to steal their parent's booze? They have three bottles of spirits between four of them, which is more than enough for them to get drunk. In fact, in Will Is Home Alone, they share twenty cans of beer between the four of them (five each, all things being equal), and are dreadfully hungover the next morning. Assume this is classed as a character mistake, it just makes no sense.

Question: Having never seen the show, do any episodes show Charlie's face at all? Not just some of his face.
Answer: No, Charlie's face was never fully seen. In addition, Charlie was voiced by John Forsythe and he never even came to the set. Whenever we do see Charlie, it's a body double and not Forsythe.

Seasickness: Kill or Cure - S3-E24
Question: Why does a separated bubble form when you drive with your tailgate up?
Answer: A more complex and complete answer probably isn't possible here, since we're dealing with fluid dynamics, pressure, boundary levels, etc. A simply answer would the air in the bed is kept there by the fast moving air coming off the roof of the cab. If there was no "secondary bubble" of air, you would have a vacuum in the bed. When air comes off the roof, it needs a place to touch down, which it is able to do with the top of the tailgate. The fast flowing air moving over the bed keeps the air that's already inside the bed from "escaping." However, the air in the bed is still moving and creates a vortex in the bed, which is described as a bubble. When the tailgate is down, the air coming off the roof will gather at the back of the cab and create drag.
Chosen answer: Nobody knew, not even the writers, until at least halfway through the season when they were writing the end. They wanted to keep all options open.
Nick N.