Question: I believe I heard that the Olsen twins acted side by side in four different episodes. Does anybody know what the four episodes are?

Question: Were people able to "lock" the Holodeck doors so that others couldn't just walk in on them? I don't recall an episode where the doors were locked that wasn't because of some malfunction. It seems like Lieutenant Barclay, for example, would either lock the doors during his "fantasies" or have some "fail-safe" that shuts the program off when being walked in on. Otherwise, it's just a really dumb thing to do (for him or anyone playing out a fantasy) knowing they could easily be caught.
Answer: Yes. The doors to the holodecks can be locked when in use by anyone aboard the Enterprise so they couldn't be disturbed. However, high ranking officers like Captain Picard could override the doors as it's seen that overrides are in use even for the crews quarters. Even Barclay, when he's indulging in one of his fantasies could have the doors to the holodeck unlocked by an override code.

Question: What did Al remove from The Lundys' car to cause it to crash?
Answer: It was one of the hoses connected to the engine, nothing specific, but to indicate that Al tampered with the vehicle.

The New M.A.V.O. Member - S1-E10
Question: When Teddy and his friends shrink down to get the crystals back they know that five crystals are real and one is a fake salt crystal. How did they know which ones were real and which one was fake?
Answer: Yes but MAVO had five real crystals and one fake one, and they all looked the same. There was no way of knowing which ones were real and which one was fake.
Answer: Grubby licked them and could taste the salt.
Answer: The only guess would be that the real crystals and the fake salt crystal look different somehow. They made the fake salt crystal, so they should know what it looks like compared to a real crystal. Also, they could have very easily done something to the fake crystal that was stolen from them so that they could tell it apart from the others.

Question: Was this series cancelled or simply ended?
Answer: It was cancelled. Originally, the show was supposed to have five seasons, with the fifth season having Jack discovering a spell that would remove the curses on all of the items that were collected during the show's run.

Question: Kind of a long question but please bear with me. In one episode, Catherine and Vince have to rescue a boy who was being chased by a man who murdered his father. The boy claims to have a letter from his father detailing a crime that occurred and how he was killed for betraying the man. The end of the episode has the boy reading the letter out loud in court. The judge asks to see it and after a quick look over, he gives it to the man who was after the boy. When the man looks at it, there's nothing on the paper but squiggly lines. The judge then has the man arrested for murder. Why would the judge do this? There were no witnesses. All they had was the word of a boy and a piece of paper with nothing but wavy lines on it. No real evidence was presented to the judge at all.
Answer: (Episode 1x19 "Everything is Everything") It's not a regular court or judge, it's a Gypsy "kris" (court) to determine a new judgement for the boy, Tony, and it's headed by Milo, who is the Gypsy King. Milo had two sons, elder Eric (Tony's dead father) and Vick (Tony's uncle), who framed Eric for theft from the family business, and it was Milo (he didn't know the truth) who held the earlier "kris" which declared Eric, his wife and son, Tony, to be "marime" as if they're all dead and had them banished from the community. Then Tony's parents were in a fatal car accident in Chicago, and before Eric died he told Tony the truth about how and why Vick framed him. Now at the new "kris" Tony has the chance to speak to prove his father's innocence, and tells everyone that Vick lied and stole the money, then framed his father because Eric had been next in line to be the Gypsy King. Milo tells Tony that his word isn't enough for a verdict and he must show proof. Tony tells his grandfather that Eric gave him a letter, while on his deathbed, in order to clear his name and punish the guilty. When Tony pretends to read the letter (remember, we learned Tony can't read), he starts out as if the letter was written to his father, Eric, and cleverly pretends that it was written by Vick's accomplice from the theft (Vick's friend sitting behind him, who also works at the body shop), admitting to the frame-up. As Tony keeps "reading" we see Vick turn around to his accomplice and say, "You fool!" for the letter's admission of guilt, and then the accomplice replies loudly, "I didn't write no letter... You said nobody could prove nothin'!" for everyone to hear. So after the truth has come out, Milo shows Vick the letter which only has squiggly lines on it, just so Vick understands that even though the letter wasn't real, he and his accomplice still admitted their guilt for the theft, and now they will be "marime" as if they're dead and banished from the community. Vick did not murder Tony's father, and he's not arrested.

Question: In this show and in the 90's movies, the Turtles absolutely love pizza. Though this was not hit on in the 00's show. Was their love of pizza created for the 80's show, or did they have that in the original comics as well?
Chosen answer: The Turtles' pizza obsession was not in the original comics, which were far more adult in the violence and language they contained. Peter Laird, one of the comic's creators was critical of this aspect on his blog in 2012, saying if he had control over the 80s cartoon's creative direction, the Turtles "would not have been so ridiculously obsessed with pizza".
Chosen answer: The first time was in the first season, episode 19 "The Seven-Month Itch", the second was in the fourth season, episode 1 "Greek Week", the third time was in the fifth season, episode 19 "The Devil Made Me Do It" and finally in the very last episode of the series, "Michelle Rides Again", season 8 episode 23.