She Works Hard for the Money - S1-E4
Question: What's the name of the song and who sings it at the end of this episode?

Question: Which episode is it that they're going to be shutting down 3 fire stations, and at the end, they decided to turn #5 into a museum?
Answer: Season 8.

Episode #2.2 - S2-E2
Question: Was there prohibition in England? If not, why was Alfie running an underground distillery using a bakery as a cover instead of just having a legit distillery?

Question: With the fire in the house, they opened up the walls and the ceiling. Why would they do that? Wouldn't that give the fire more oxygen?

The End of Time: Part 3 - S1-E40
Question: Why did Gluto decide to freeze himself?
Answer: Gluto has quite a cowardly personality and never contributed too much in fighting against the Power Rangers. When he felt that the final battle was getting too intense for him, he decided that he would rather be frozen than participate.

Question: Since they had friends why couldn't the Stivics move in with them so they wouldn't have to put up with Archie?
Answer: Yes, Gloria and Michael have friends, but when they got married they decided it was best to live *rent free* with Edith and Archie, while Mike was going to college. Living with friends rent free, for quite a few years, is not an easy thing no matter how close the friends are with them. Since the Stivics needed their money to pay for the tuition and its other costs, their living arrangement made it all easier to deal with. Hence the Archie and Mike scenarios.

Question: After watching the show and reading the first book, I can't figure out why people hate Jaime for killing King Aerys. Aerys is referred to as the "Mad King" and more than one person talks about his sick deeds. Even Ned doesn't seem to approve of Jaime's actions, yet Aerys killed his father and brother. Even if Jaime did have a duty to guard the king, didn't he actually do everyone a favor by killing Aerys?
Answer: Basically it's because he broke his vow. A member of the Kingsguard is sworn to protect the king at all costs. Jaime elaborates more on the deed to both Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth, telling Catelyn that no matter what course of action he took, he would be breaking one vow or another (i.e. if he obeyed the king, he would conversely be disobeying his own father), and telling Brienne that the Mad King was planning on burning all of King's Landing, but he did not bother to tell Ned Stark that. Ned Stark felt that killing Aerys was dishonorable and excessive. Robert Baratheon still could have usurped the throne without Aerys being killed.

Question: Don't some of the inmates, who're mentally ill, belong in a prison psych ward?
Answer: You would need to be more specific as to which inmate to get an answer as to who possibly belongs in the mental ward. In general; usually the only mentally ill prisoners who go to the mental ward are inmates who show obvious psychotic breaks like Loli and crazy eyes as, with the conditions of prison, it's often difficult to tell who is mentally ill and whose frustrated from the conditions. Many of them are also only there temporarily. Crazy Eyes, first example, was in the mental ward. Her mother fought and won to get her out.

Question: Whenever Clark uses his X-ray vision, why does he lower his glasses? Lowering them when he uses heat vision is understandable but there's no need to do it when Clark uses X-ray vision.
Answer: I don't recall if it was ever mentioned in an episode, but it's possible that the frames and/or lenses of his glasses are lined with lead, the one compound his X-ray vision can't penetrate. Speculative, of course, but it likely would have been done at a point in his youth when he wasn't in complete control of his powers.

Question: How does Bakula afford that bar he owns? Do Feds really make enough to make such purchases?
Answer: It should also be noted, just because someone owns a small business (in this case a bar) doesn't mean they're rich, or they had to be rich or make enough money from another job in order to afford it. Banks provide small business loans and having steady employment, good credit history, solid business plan, etc would allow someone to get a loan. Most business owners even say they "own" whatever bar, restaurant, store, or business they run even if it's leased or mortgaged.

Kevin Jensen - S1-E2
Question: Scottie says she lost her son when he was four, but wasn't it when he was three years old? (00:12:01)
Answer: Yes, in the "Blacklist" series, it's said Christopher was 3 when he disappeared.

Question: On Law & Order: SVU the character Alex Cabot had to enter the witness protection program. How did they bring her back for the show Conviction?
Answer: It was never explained on the show. The series only lasted 13 episodes so they didn't have time to go into how or why Cabot returned.

Question: Why was the groundskeeper stealing the flowers?
Answer: The groundskeeper only mentions once that his wife likes flowers although the episode never explains or States why he was stealing them, but he was probably stealing them for his wife.

10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. - S1-E12
Question: The episode is titled 10:00pm-11:00am, Kiefer Sutherland also says it in the intro. Is this an error?
Answer: No, it's right. The miniseries wasn't a complete renewal of the original series, but instead was promoted as a 'limited-run' series. Since it only covered twelve hours instead of twenty-four, the final episode skips over the eleven hours after 11:00 pm and picks up in the last few minutes between 10:00 am and 11:00 am.

Fifteen Million Merits - S1-E2
Question: Is the phrase "pie ape" British slang, or a mix of slang words? Or is just an insult the writers created that isn't based on anything?
Answer: It's a derogatory slang term made up for the show.

Question: How was the mother cell discovered? Was it man made or natural?
Answer: In the episode "Blame It on Leo", Leo Butler, who use to work for Reiden, tells the group about the "mother cell." He explains it's Reiden's molecule vector. So it's something Reiden created. In real life science, vector cells are used to introduce DNA sequences from one organism to another. There are a variety of ways for this to occur, however, in the show not much explanation is given about how Reiden's mother cell works (and tends to bend how it works to the will of the plot).

Question: At the time of filming this show, Jared Leto was 21 and Claire Danes was 14. How were they legally allowed to make out? I understand parental consent was undoubtedly required, but where exactly would the line be drawn regarding age, as I doubt they could have had them make out if Danes was only 12 for example.
Chosen answer: For one, these are professional actors on a film set for a major production so some leeway would be given. Additionally, in the United States at least, kissing is not generally considered sexual contact from a legal standpoint. Kissing does not involve any private parts. Even in cases where kissing is considered sexual contact, the intention of the accused party would be taken into account. A sexual violation requires the desire for gratification from the accused. A hired actor kissing another actor because it is in the script does not rise to the level of someone seeking sexual gratification. He's literally doing his job.

Blossom - A Rockumentary - S2-E9
Question: During the dream, Nick talks to someone on the phone and they discuss T-shirts. He wants the shirts to be 95-5 instead of 50-50. What does that mean?
Answer: He was making a business deal and the person on the phone wanted a 50-50 split of the profits. But Nick said it's a 95-5 split. Meaning he gets 95% of the profits.

She Was Killed by Space Junk - S1-E3
Question: Agent Angela Blake had to surrender her weapon to enter the funeral of Crawford. When a suicide bomber threatens the group, Blake shoots the bomber with a gun. Where did she get the gun?
Answer: According to the Internet search I did, that last song for this episode is, "Morning After Dark," by Timbaland.
raywest ★