Question: Why does Murdoch's bike not have a ring bell or horn? He is often seen cycling through the busy streets at high speed to arrive on a scene ASAP but never uses any sound warning apart from yelling occasionally - which looks pretty awkward for an official person.

Question: How is the couple, mother played by Mandy Moore, able to adopt the orphaned kid? Given they're a poor couple with two kids already, wouldn't the hospital hold off on this for awhile and try locating the child's parents?
Answer: Where did you get that they were poor? they were middle class and had their own home.
Answer: Because that would not have made for an interesting TV series.

Question: In the first season, Hastings tells Arnott he's Catholic - but then in subsequent seasons he's supposed to be a Mason. Except the Catholic church considers joining the Masons to be a sin - is that a clue to Hastings' real status?

Question: Why did the police arrest Reacher? He was simply passing through.
Answer: As Reacher had arrived in town just after the murder occurred and being a stranger, he became a suspect (or at least a person of interest) and taken into custody for questioning by the police. He was released fairly quickly. It was coincidental timing of an outsider arriving at the same time as the crime occurred.

Question: Has the cause of Rex's headaches been explained and does he still have them?
Answer: They haven't mentioned them in a long time. Once they stopped trying to make him look guilty his headaches suddenly disappeared. It may still be explained later as the SK storyline is supposed to not be tied up till early 2005.

Question: Given his origin, was Tim Drake really Jason Todd, just given the third Robin's name?
Answer: Tim Drake's origin in the DC Animated Universe differs significantly from his origin in the comics, but it also differs greatly from Jason Todd's. This version of the character is unique to this universe, similar to many of the other supporting characters with origin stories that range from being nearly identical to the comics to being entirely different from the comics.

Question: In the final few scenes of this story, DS Beck has abducted David Harvey and has taken him to the top of a tower block in order that they can both leap off. Fitz and Penhaligon race to the top to try to talk Beck out of it. In the original broadcast on UK TV (1995), Fitz speaks with Beck at length on the rooftop (as in the novel), but in all repeats and subsequent VHS/DVD releases this scene is missing and has never been seen since. Now, Fitz only manages to reach the rooftop as Penhaligon is looking over the side after Beck has jumped pulling Harvey with him. Is this scene un-cut on the Region 1 DVD of this show? (I don't want to buy it just to find the same cut version again). (02:25:00 - 02:26:45)
Chosen answer: I still own on tape the 1995 UK TV broadcast version of that episode, and it definitely doesn't have Fitz talking Beck out of jumping. It is definitely in the novel adaptation of 'Brotherly Love', but as far as I know never made it to the final cut of the TV version. I'm presuming therefore the scene wouldn't exist on the Region 1 DVD. The only TV version I have ever known to be of that scene is Fitz just turning up after Beck has jumped and then comforting Penhaligon. A few scenes did get lost from the original broadcast to the subsequent DVD/VHS releases though, but as far as I'm aware that was never one of them.

Rolling Dark - S1-E9
Question: So they get the scientist on a four-seater, single-prop plane, and then send them from Siberia to Afghanistan. That's by the route from the briefing about 1800 miles. They fly with gear down. Is that possible? (00:06:47)
Answer: Yes. They would have to land 3-4 times for refuelling. The plane could fly with the wheels down, but the additional drag slows the plane and increases fuel consumption.

Question: Why does Bucky rip his jacket sleeve off before jumping out of the plane? Just for the sake of an audience reveal to demonstrate his artificial arm?
Chosen answer: The sleeve probably would have been ripped to shreds in battle anyway. He was just saving time by ripping it himself. Also, gunfighters would take off their coats in a duel or an arm wrestler rolling up his sleeve.
Answer: Aside from visual aesthetics and it being nice to see the metal arm. In world/practically I think (and I believe this is the reason why he tends to not have a left sleeve in most action we've seen him in prior films) it's also to assist with mobility during fights. The metal arm likely behaves a little differently than a human/bone and flesh arm does - and restricting that in a sleeve during a fight (especially in a thicker jacket sleeve) might mess with his reflexes. So removing the sleeve probably assists with the mobility of that arm.

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - S1-E8
Question: Che says to Miranda that she has been f**king her for 3 weeks yet in previous episodes, they had sex in Carrie's kitchen, and then we watch seasons pass as Carrie wrote her book, so how has it only been 3 weeks?

The Lesser of Two Evils - S1-E6
Question: In this episode, Patrick McCann and his IRA splinter group plot to blow up "Broad Street Station" in London. In reality, British Rail beat him to it years ago. The real Broad Street Station closed in 1986, and has since been demolished (an office complex now stands on the site). Does anyone know which railway station (or stations) posed as the fictional Broad Street Station in this episode?

Past Tense - S1-E4
Question: What time does Tru work her shift at the morgue? In this episode, she was at work when Marco scared her from under the sheet. Then she was eating dinner with Harrison. What time did they eat? Wasn't it already late at night by then? Then she was back at work - I guess a dinner break makes sense for a nighttime shift - and she met Luc. The second time the day happened, she was at work when Marco tried to scare her. Then she was walking somewhere with Harrison and she hadn't met Luc. Was this after the same dinner she had with Harrison the first time? Was she still going to meet Luc later?
Chosen answer: The next episode shows that Tru didn't meet Luc after all, even though she should have been in work by the time he showed up. I think the answer is that the writers don't actually know.

Question: Why does Giovanni Sforza not prove he is not impotent? Was he in fact not able to perform in front of others or find the woman undesirable? I know historically he agreed to the annulment; but why? Was this scene historically accurate?
Chosen answer: The Borgias arranged Lucrezia's marriage to Giovanni Sforza for their own political gain. When Giovanni was no longer considered useful to them politically, they sought to end the marriage. Eventually, Giovanni reluctantly agreed to admit to impotence in exchange for keeping Lucrezia's dowry, which normally would have reverted back to the family in the event of an annulment. Divorce was rare at that time, and being unable to consummate a marriage was one grounds for an annulment. In the series, when the Borgias convene the College of Cardinals to have Giovanni prove his potency by performing with two overweight and unattractive prostitutes, he refuses because he is humiliated. The historical facts are mostly accurate, though the part about the prostitutes is probably fiction.

Question: As a term of endearment, Eyal always calls Annie "neshama." I'm assuming it's Hebrew, but what does it mean?
Chosen answer: It is Hebrew. It means "soul" but is used as a term of endearment as in you're a part of me, "Neshama shellee" means "my soul".

We're All Crazy Sometimes - S4-E11
Question: A woman is on a breathing tube and she is in a coma. She later undergoes an operation and wakes up due to a dopamine inflow. She is talking normally although she still has the breathing mechanism (albeit not connected by a hose) in her neck. How can she talk normally with that tube still in her?
Answer: That's a tracheal tube. Most people can talk perfectly normal with tracheal tubes. Check out Mattie Stepanek for one of the most famous examples. He had a tracheal tube for most of his life and never had problems with speech.
Got it. Many thanks.

Question: At the end of the episode, where Melinda helps that lady (who meets the guy who got her dead fiance's heart), what was the man at the end of the episode (who was laughing and seemed to be a spirit) supposed to be about?
Answer: This "spirit" appears in several episodes throughout the rest of the season including the season finale. He's a "bad spirit" that is intent on keeping souls trapped on Earth. With the death of Andrea (her business partner) he wanted to make a deal with Melinda, to give him HER soul to release everyone else including Andrea to cross over.

Question: What is the name of the song that plays at the end of the last episode of season 1, when Ryan is leaving in the car and Seth in his boat?
Answer: Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley.

Question: I remember an episode where Barbara-Jean gets the same hairstyle Reba has. Can someone tell me which episode this is?
Answer: I believe it was "Seeing Red" from season 2.

Question: What is the song playing at the end as Matt cries alone in his room and Nanette shoots herself?
Chosen answer: "So Damn Beautiful" by Polaroid.

Question: When talking to Alston, the police captain said he sought out a black officer who hasn't made rank because he's "got no rabbi" and therefore is likely "on the outside enough to be trusted"- what does the phrase "got no rabbi" mean?
Answer: "Rabbi" is old police slang for a superior, experienced officer who mentors a younger officer. "Got no rabbi" in this context is saying Alston hasn't been on the job long enough to have been fully taken into the fold by the other officers, and would thus be a good choice for the Captain's plan of recruiting an un-corrupted officer.
Answer: It's certainly a personal choice about using one, and probably similar to how some people refuse to wear a helmet or forego other safety equipment. Most bells and horns on bikes are not very loud and probably wouldn't be heard in busy traffic, making them mostly ineffective. Murdoch would likely still yell, even if he had a bell or horn.
raywest ★