A Thing I'll Never Understand - S6-E4
Question: Who sent Vic the barn toy? Some people on the internet say she bought it online (like eBay or Craig's list), but I don't remember seeing her be online to buy stuff. Plus, it didn't seem like she was doing much to prepare to have the baby, so it would seem odd that buying a used barn toy would be one of the first things she buys.

Question: How did Holmes know where M was, so he could have found him and taken him away? And how did Holmes transport M on his own? Was M unconscious, or alert and thus went where Holmes told him to go, or he'd kill him? But M wouldn't do that; he doesn't mind dying.
Chosen answer: M broke into the brownstone and left a note. Holmes deduced he was staying at a high-class hotel from the soap scent on the note, and gave a picture from a hidden camera to his "irregulars" on the street to stake out hotels. One of them saw him, so Holmes followed him to his next intended victim and knocked him unconscious with a baton.

Question: With the fire in the house, they opened up the walls and the ceiling. Why would they do that? Wouldn't that give the fire more oxygen?

Question: What happened to the lieutenant after Amon threw him into the pile of wood?
Answer: We do not see what happens. Avatar shows rarely have people killed on screen, so either he got away and was never seen again, or just died right there. As Amon was outed as a bender, he would not go back for his old boss.

Question: In the first season, Hastings tells Arnott he's Catholic - but then in subsequent seasons he's supposed to be a Mason. Except the Catholic church considers joining the Masons to be a sin - is that a clue to Hastings' real status?
Answer: Chance.