Question: What is the significance of the lapel pin worn by detectives on Blue Bloods?
Answer: It is an NYPD Detective Bureau lapel pin. If you zoom in on a pic of "Danny Reagan," you will see that the pin has the letters DB on it.

Episode #1.4 - S1-E4
Question: Why does Daisy "take a turn" in Lady Mary's room? She never saw them take Pamook's body from Mary's room. She only saw them putting him back in his room, which is said to be "miles" away.
Answer: Lady Mary was one of the three women Daisy saw carrying Pamuk's body. Daisy realised he could not have died in Cora's (Lady Grantham) room, as she sleeps with husband Robert, nor would Cora and Mary ever help carry Pamuk from Anna's bedroom in the upstairs servants' quarters. Lady Sylvia and Lady Edith were completely unaware of what happened and Edith later quizzed Daisy for information. That left Mary, who everyone noticed was particularly distraught. Daisy could have overheard Thomas later telling O'Brien that he had shown Pamuk where Mary's bedroom was located (though he never saw Pamuk go inside).

Question: As a term of endearment, Eyal always calls Annie "neshama." I'm assuming it's Hebrew, but what does it mean?
Chosen answer: It is Hebrew. It means "soul" but is used as a term of endearment as in you're a part of me, "Neshama shellee" means "my soul".
Answer: It is the lapel pin worn by members of the NYPD Honor Legion.
The lapel pin is on Danny but not Biaz, why? Also, Baker, Sid, Frank &Garrett wear one. Significance? Are they all the same?
Is the P.C.'s pin different than a legion pin? What are the symbols and their meaning?
I think it may be Masonic?
But why would the mayor wear one?