Best drama TV questions of 1993

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The X-Files picture

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Question: In a vast majority of the episodes, whenever Mulder and Scully investigate some mysterious or paranormal phenomenon, Mulder believes that some unknown force is responsible but Scully always has a rational explanation for what is happening. In other episodes, when Scully herself is caught up in something mysterious, she is the believer but Mulder is the skeptic. In those episodes, why would Mulder be skeptical about an unexplained phenomenon considering that he a was witness to his own sisters abduction and he saw many strange things that defied explanation while working for the F.B.I.?

Answer: As he stated many times throughout the series, Mulder needed Scully to be sober and skeptical. Whenever Scully's skepticism wavered and she started questioning her own rationality, Mulder would try to restore her sense of skepticism, because he needed her to be clear-thinking.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: A variety of reasons. Just because Scully saw something unusual does not mean that it was. Mulder always needs concrete proof before he'll believe there's some otherworldly explanation for unexplained phenomena. He's too experienced to take a novice's explanation as fact. It is also a plot by device by the writers to switch the tables on the characters to make it more interesting and to let viewers see another side of their relationship.

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Answer: Worf: Curzon's name is an honored one among my people. Dax: (in Klingon) Yeah, but I'm a lot better looking than he was.


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Boy Meets World picture

Boys II Mensa - S1-E6

Question: When Mr. Feeny is talking to Cory in the cafeteria about his score on the IQ test, Feeny is shown purchasing a coffee from the vending machine. Are there actual elementary schools in the United States with coffee vending machines where prepubescent students have the ability to purchase a beverage more suited for younger adults and older? This isn't the faculty cafeteria mind you, because it's the same cafeteria the students are shown occupying throughout the first season. Seems a little irresponsible on the school's part to give students access to coffee.


Chosen answer: In the present day, with the United States abiding by more stricter school health laws, for the most part this wouldn't be in school cafeterias as many cannot even have carbonated beverage machines now. However, in the 90s when the show takes place, it wasn't unheard of for there to be coffee machines in the cafeteria of small schools where the teachers eat with the students as we see them do often in the show. The idea being that the cafeteria was small enough so a teacher or hall monitor could catch a student before they could drink the coffee.

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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman picture

Legend - S5-E9

Question: When Matthew goes against Dr. Quinn's suggestion that he needs to rest and heal, and hitches his curse to leave, the sign above him says "Coopering." Shouldn't that be "Coppering"?

Answer: A Cooper was someone who made various things out of wood including wooden caskets and even barrels.

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Cracker picture

Brotherly Love (2) - S3-E2

Question: In the final few scenes of this story, DS Beck has abducted David Harvey and has taken him to the top of a tower block in order that they can both leap off. Fitz and Penhaligon race to the top to try to talk Beck out of it. In the original broadcast on UK TV (1995), Fitz speaks with Beck at length on the rooftop (as in the novel), but in all repeats and subsequent VHS/DVD releases this scene is missing and has never been seen since. Now, Fitz only manages to reach the rooftop as Penhaligon is looking over the side after Beck has jumped pulling Harvey with him. Is this scene un-cut on the Region 1 DVD of this show? (I don't want to buy it just to find the same cut version again). (02:25:00 - 02:26:45)


Chosen answer: I still own on tape the 1995 UK TV broadcast version of that episode, and it definitely doesn't have Fitz talking Beck out of jumping. It is definitely in the novel adaptation of 'Brotherly Love', but as far as I know never made it to the final cut of the TV version. I'm presuming therefore the scene wouldn't exist on the Region 1 DVD. The only TV version I have ever known to be of that scene is Fitz just turning up after Beck has jumped and then comforting Penhaligon. A few scenes did get lost from the original broadcast to the subsequent DVD/VHS releases though, but as far as I'm aware that was never one of them.

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Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman picture

Show generally

Question: Whenever Clark uses his X-ray vision, why does he lower his glasses? Lowering them when he uses heat vision is understandable but there's no need to do it when Clark uses X-ray vision.

Answer: I don't recall if it was ever mentioned in an episode, but it's possible that the frames and/or lenses of his glasses are lined with lead, the one compound his X-ray vision can't penetrate. Speculative, of course, but it likely would have been done at a point in his youth when he wasn't in complete control of his powers.

Cubs Fan

I think the other answer has good speculation. I would add it could also just be an "acting gesture" that Dean Cain utilizes as part of his Superman character and not because there's any practical reason. That way, the audience immediately recognizes what he is doing.


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