Audio problem: When the coach passes the ball to Tsubasa, his lips are badly out of synch with the phrase. (00:03:40)

Bikini Wax - S2-E18
Audio problem: When Abby tells McGee to shut up near the end, the audio is out of sync with her mouth. (00:34:40)

Audio problem: When the creepy guy with the weird hair knocks Korra back a zone, the very distinct buzzer isn't heard. (00:09:35)

Audio problem: Diana talks to one of her sons, who's hiding inside playing Street Fighter II. You hear the sound effects playing that belong to the characters either Ryu or Ken: "Tatsumaki" (Hurricane kick), and "Shoryuken" (Rising dragon fist). When the shot cuts behind the son, you see the characters of Blanka (green guy) and E. Honda (the sumo wrestler). Neither of those characters can do either of those attacks, and there wasn't time for him to switch which character he was playing as. (00:23:39)

Pompeii and Circumstance - S1-E12
Audio problem: When Daphne takes off in the golf cart after picking up the rest of the gang, it makes the sound of tires on pavement. But they are on the dirt floor of the Coliseum. (00:08:55)

The Phoenix Saga (5): Child of Light - S3-E7
Audio problem: Storm's mouth is completely closed when she says "The immediate threat to New York City has been averted." (00:12:10)

Audio problem: When Bob is being offered to drink from Beta, Bob asks which end to drink from and Pud responds "Dealer's choice." However it's Hefty Jeff's voice instead of Pud. (00:05:49)

Audio problem: After Alf calls the radio station and tells the station to give Jody his phone number, Alf walks to the towards the table saying "Friend...wish I had one" with the phone in his hand. Right after Alf says "Friend..." listen closely in the background and you can hear a far off phone ringing about 2 seconds before the one Alf is using starts. (00:04:55)

The Foot in the Foreclosure - S5-E8
Audio problem: In the beginning of the episode, Booth introduces his grandfather to Sweets and his grandfather asks, "Where did you get your M.D., in a Cracker Jack box?" You can hear Bones laugh, but her mouth remains closed.

Rallying to Keep the Game Alive - S1-E4
Audio problem: When the couple is having dinner there's a shot from behind him saying "but you're right." The movement of his jaw and mouth are totally out of sync.

Audio problem: When Cody is playing the blues on his guitar, he is shown to be fretting the higher pitched strings while playing the lower strings open. However only low notes are heard and at least three different chords are heard, which would not be possible if he was playing the strings open.

LeBeau and the Little Old Lady - S3-E25
Audio problem: After Hogan and company get into the car to go to town to get Lebeau, Klink is walking around to get in the passenger side, Schultz takes off, leaving Klink standing alone. After Klink calls out, you hear the screeching of tires sliding on pavement. Trouble is, the camp doesn't have any pavement.

Audio problem: When Anakin says, "What? Uh-oh," his mouth does not move. He just looks shocked that his lightsaber could not cut The Zillo Beast.

Audio problem: There's a bit of a mix-up in the codenames of the cars who chase Reggie Dyer. Unit 7 is the first to give chase and it is identified by its crew with the photographer. Then Unit 8 intercepts at the rendez-vous point. Check the license plate; FVW 49. Japp mentions a "unit 10" that is not shown. Later in Chinatown, Japp calls for the other cars, and "Car 8" responds, but its license plate is now YD 8501 and it's another car model. Unit 10 is again not shown. They dubbed in the wrong voiceover, they should have kept offscreen the second response by Unit 8 and made it Unit 10's.

Vintage '54 - S1-E16
Audio problem: When the officers and sergeant are in the office tending the baby, we hear crying sounds though it's mouth is closed, during the different takes.

Prey of the Black Panther - S2-E7
Audio problem: When Black Panther is saying "The Black Panther's ready to stalk again," he doesn't press his lips together when saying "Panther" in order to produce the "P" sound. (00:21:12)

Snow Drifts - S3-E21
Audio problem: As past Hook carries Emma aboard his ship, he drunkenly and loudly declares, "Behold! The Rolly Joger." Although they are several meters away from the camera, you can see that his lips are barely moving. (00:32:15)

Audio problem: The zombie chasing the man gets tangled on a wire fence and gets shot in the head. When the bullet impacts his skull he makes a grunting pain noise just like everybody else who gets shots in movies makes the same grunt. First of all zombies don't feel, so how can he express pain, and secondly when people get shot and die they don't grunt, they drop dead. (00:09:30 - 00:10:00)

Friends, Romans, Accountants - S1-E7
Audio problem: When Norm goes to leave the bar to plan his toga, a smack sound is heard just as he passes Cliff. There was nothing there that could have made the smack sound. (00:06:30)