Factual error: In the introduction to the movie, set in 2002, a young Adonis has a Naruto: Shippuden poster in his room. Naruto: Shippuden did not premiere until 2007.
Factual error: There is absolutely no way that the WBA would allow a fighter to get assaulted at a fight party 4 weeks before a big championship fight is to take place. They would provide plenty of security for both fighters at any event sponsored for the fight, where both fighters are in attendance. There's no way a thug could get close and break the hand of one of the fighters, being the scene where Drago is assaulted, and there's absolutely no security around anywhere.
Factual error: There is no way that the WBA would allow a fighter who's had no previous professional fights a title shot with the current champion. He would have had to establish himself as a pro and have a near-perfect record or beaten some of the best in his class to be awarded a title shot.