Jim Douglas: Without a real car, I'm only half a man.
Thorndyke: Good evening.
Tennessee Steinmetz: Sorry, the other rats are out for the evening.
Havershaw: Here it comes again, sir.
Thorndyke: Havershaw, I'm not a cowardly man. But, I am beginning to sense, and that thing is out to get me.
Havershaw: Now, now. None of that, sir. We're not losing our nerve, are we?
Thorndyke: Blast you, Havershaw! How dare you patronize me! I am not losing my nerve.
Havershaw: No, sir. No, sir, of course not. No, no.
Tennessee Steinmetz: Jim, it's happening right under our noses and we can't see it. We take machines and we stuff 'em with information until they're smarter than we are. Take a car. Most guys spread more love and time and money on their car in a week than they do on their wife and kids in a year. Pretty soon, you know what? The machine starts to think it is somebody.
Jim Douglas: Why is it the only food we have in this house is parrot food? I mean, we don't have a parrot.
Tennessee Steinmetz: Eat that! That's good. That's pressed kelp. That aerates your liver.