Audio problem: When Johnny starts to make impressions of advertisements he has seen on the TV, the TV magically stops making noise throughout this scene. It comes back on when Johnny has finished speaking. (00:34:50)

Audio problem: When Kevin and his crew of thieving little people land in the Middle Ages, Randall informs Kevin that they made all of what's surrounding them, trees, shrubs, bushes etc. Kevin's reply is "Phew, that's not bad" He says this without opening his mouth. This was looped into the film later on.

Audio problem: When people are getting on and off the elevator to that loud music, the music stops before the elevator closes.

Audio problem: When the good guys finally get the Chevy V8 running, the sound it makes sounds more like a moped than a high-performance engine. It has headers and no mufflers, so it should have been quite loud.

Audio problem: As Beatrice and Caleb are walking through the streets, Caleb asks Beatrice "What if she'd been blind or an amputee? Would you have helped her then?" and Beatrice replies "I was thinking about helping her." Neither their lips nor jaws ever move during both these lines. (00:05:35)

Audio problem: When Alex and Maggie are going back into space at the end, everyone moves back and they yell goodbye. You can hear Otis say goodbye, but his mouth does not move at all.

Audio problem: Throughout the film, Ezekiel Sims' dialogue is out of sync with his mouth movement.

Audio problem: As Becky and Miles go down the steps after leaving his office. Miles keeps mouthing something after we hear the dialogue stop. (00:07:20)

Audio problem: When the group is discussing why the Careers aren't on the beach, Beetee asks what happens at midnight and Katniss replies that the lightning strikes the tree. Beetee then says "Here's what I propose", but neither his mouth or jaw moves along with the line. (01:58:25)

Audio problem: In 1943, a top secret Naval experiment went wrong and David was sent forward in time to 1984, with his friend Jimmy. In 1984, David and Allison, a girl fom the present day, are staying in a hotel room. David picks up the talking travel alarm clock and fidgets with it. Yet, in the shot of Allison the alarm clock is still on the nightstand between the two beds. Then as he puts the alarm clock back on the nightstand, in the shot of Allison, the alarm clock is on the nightstand even though we hear the sound of him actually placing the alarm clock down. (00:54:25)

Audio problem: When Tim enters Gordon's office, you hear Tim greeting Barbara, but it is Barbara's mouth that is moving. When Barbara replies, her mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: During the scene where the girl is talking to Pluto in the club, he tells her that he was the one that saved her father's life. She responds with "Thanks Dad" but her lips don't even move.

Audio problem: In the theater, there are some times when you can hear Crow speak, but his lips don't move. One instance is when Crow asks Mike, "Can I have a car like that?" Mike replies and when Crow answers back, his lips don't move for that one either.

Audio problem: When Neville and Lisa are in bed, you hear Lisa talking but her mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: When they are standing at the top of the waterfall Owen talks to Clare from behind and his mouth isn't moving. (01:06:10)

Audio problem: Just before Cyclops shoots his beam which breaks the toad-slime off of Jean Grays face, he says "Don't move," however HIS MOUTH doesn't move. (01:12:30)

Audio problem: In a scene where Chevy Chase is smoking a cigarette, we see smoke going in and out of his lungs. He speaks at the same time that he inhales the smoke.

Audio problem: When Chris and Cynthia are hiding in the little shed from the zombies, there was a scene where a zombie grabs Cynthia and pulls her outside the shed. As she is being pulled out she reaches out to Chris and screams "Brad, Brad" a few times. Brad was her boyfriend whom they killed a few scenes before. But she was with Chris and not Brad so she should have called for Chris instead of Brad.

Audio problem: When Ben and the rest of his friends are "out on the town", he starts his car to go home, but when he does it makes the distinct sound of an older Chrysler when he was driving a Cadillac.

Audio problem: In the European version, Taco Bell is replaced by Pizza Hut, however, when Huxley says to John Spartan that they're going to Pizza Hut, we see her lips say "Taco Bell." (00:57:00)