Audio problem: Just before Cyclops shoots his beam which breaks the toad-slime off of Jean Grays face, he says "Don't move," however HIS MOUTH doesn't move. (01:12:30)
Audio problem: When Rogue is riding in Wolverine's truck and he gives her the beef jerky, you can hear her lips smacking as she eats, but she is actually chewing with her mouth closed. (00:16:10)
Audio problem: After Rogue was stabbed through the chest by Logan, she is sitting on the bench outside. Bobby/Mystique walks up to her from behind. Rogue says "Bobby" but her lips say "Hi". (00:42:25)
Chosen answer: It comes down to the simple fact that Halle Berry can't do accents worth squat. Storm comes from Kenya, so Berry is attempting some form of Kenyan accent in this first movie, but even here it is uneven and inconsistent. The decision was apparently made in 2 and 3 not to use the accent at all.
Garlonuss ★