Audio problem: When Dr. Norton disassembles RoboCop to demonstrate to him the reality of his situation, the movement of his lungs do not match Murphy's speech. (00:33:30)

Audio problem: When Mike returns from blackmailing the other house he is confronted by Kevin who asks him where he has been. At one point during Mike's explanation he says "I was gonna smash the window and take the book", however his mouth movements do not match this. (00:45:08)

Audio problem: When the crew are getting into the land rover tractor after the captain chews out his crew for letting the alien onboard, you can hear the "steel" door close with a heavy obvious metallic clang. A few seconds later the same door closes with a soft plywood thud, and a few seconds later it closes with no sound at all as if light as a feather. (00:36:00)

Audio problem: Lois and Jimmy are snooping around in LexCorp and find a locked door. Jimmy goes to a panel and says "Great... Retinal scanner. Now what?" when he says "now what", the camera switches to an over the shoulder view, and his jaw is not moving when he says it. (00:56:40)

Audio problem: Abby is yelling at the ghosts that she doesn't like one, and then "I don't like you either" to another one. The ADR is so off that almost no words match up with her mouth movement.

Audio problem: Right as Duncan leaps into the "chain room" in the final fight, he lets out a light "Ugh!" sound. Then, about 5-10 seconds later, when Duncan surprises Kell and kicks him... Kell makes the EXACT same "Ugh!" sound effect.

Audio problem: Inside the subway, Rikki's voice is heard but his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the invisible man slaps Sydney (making Cecilia look guilty), the sound of a bare hand slap is heard. But the invisible man was wearing gloves as part of his suit, so the sound would have been duller and blunt.

Audio problem: As the Doctor is being wheeled through the emergency doors, the emergency room doctors are giving orders about what to do, but none of their lips are moving.

Audio problem: When Alex is appointed head of Netforce, he looks down for a moment and says, "I don't know what to say." And then looks back up. His mouth is in clear view the full shot, yet never moves once during this line and is completely shut. The audio was just dubbed over the footage in post. (00:23:25)

Audio problem: Parzival starts to walk away from the Office Party recording as Halliday says "Why can't we go backwards for once." Parzival stops and turns around, telling the Curator to stop and go back right as Halliday finishes saying "Really put the pedal to the metal you know?" The Curator then replays that same recording over again. However the timing is off - it is actually two different recordings of the actor saying these lines and not the same message replayed. He says it a full second faster the in the replay. (00:24:55 - 00:25:25)

Audio problem: Drake places the tea kettle on the stove having just finished pouring the water into his cup. The kettle whistle dies down as he places it on the unheated burner. The problem is that the whistling would've stopped soon after lifting the kettle from the hot burner, and certainly wouldn't have gone on while he was pouring. (00:57:10)

Audio problem: When trying to steel the BET, Serpentor fllies in close and Duke grabs onto his glider. The sounds of TIE Fighters are used for Serpentor's glider. You can even hear Darth Vader breathing for a moment. (00:15:45)

Audio problem: When Tony is telling Pepper about what happened to Rhodey, there is one shot of the side of Tony, slightly to a back angle where he is talking. His jaw does not move at all while speaking during that shot. (00:27:10)

Audio problem: After the incident in the flight chamber with Goliath at the film's climax, Jimmy turns to Teri and says "let's get the hell out of here." However, the audio does not his mouth movement, as he was saying "let's get the fuck out of here." (01:31:40)

Audio problem: When the Kelvin sacrifice themselves in front of the Sonic Tank, Cowboy walks off and says, "C'mon, lets go", but his lips don't match what he says.

Audio problem: At the end of the movie where Dick Jones is falling from the OCP building. At the end of the shot you can hear the splat sound. But he's not near the ground yet. He is still seen up in the air. (01:36:00)

Audio problem: When the police and reporters are outside the warehouse where the dinosaur attack happened, Captain. Polaris communicates with other cops by radio. Strangely enough, his own voice, and the voice of the bald cop beside him also sound mechanical, with the crackling quality you hear over radios, even though they are on screen and should be heard normally. This even goes on when they are talking to each other, without using the radios.

Audio problem: When the guy in Jack's truck says "You better pay for that camera", his mouth doesn't match his words.

Audio problem: In the Russian bar scene the female bartender cycles a pump action shotgun at Dutch when she is holding a double barrel shotgun. Dutch then disarms her, when he turns the shotgun back on her you can hear a pump action shotgun being functioned and an empty shell hitting the floor. Dutch is holding a double barrel shotgun in the scene.