Audio problem: When the Knights deploy their missiles with no results, we see in close-ups as they respond that Steven is Knight 1, Jimmy is Knight 7, and another Marine is Knight 3. After Steven says, "Knight 1. Sweet Luck. Echo, Fox 2," we see a close-up of Knight 3 and hear his voice (not Jimmy's) say, "Knight 7, Fox 2", though he is in fact Knight 3, and Jimmy is Knight 7. (01:00:45)

Audio problem: In the scene where the Grabboid is pulling the truck with the chain attached and the guy is trying to shoot it, the gun noises do not match up with the muzzle flashes at all. At one point it is obvious he fires 2 shots, and yet 4 "bangs" can be heard.

Audio problem: In the scene at the alumni ball right after Sherman's father says "That's strike three," to his wife, she begins to walk off and he starts saying gibberish things, his head is turned so that you can see his beard. Neither his cheeks nor beard are moving, even though you can hear him making those gibberish noises.

Audio problem: In the theater, there are some times when you can hear Crow speak, but his lips don't move. One instance is when Crow asks Mike, "Can I have a car like that?" Mike replies and when Crow answers back, his lips don't move for that one either.

Audio problem: As the Doctor is being wheeled through the emergency doors, the emergency room doctors are giving orders about what to do, but none of their lips are moving.