Audio problem: When Chase pulls out the key to MSA, you hear the sound of many keys clanging together. However, if you look closely, there is only one key on the ring.

Audio problem: In the scene where Mary is leaving court and you see Henry riding a horse with Anne on the back, you can hear a siren go off twice. (01:05:30 - 01:06:10)

Audio problem: In the Final Jam scene, when Mitchie is singing the lines "Every day and every night, it's all we want to do in life," Caitlin and Shane can be seen mouthing "We rock, we rock, we rock," in the background, but it is not actually being sung. (01:32:05)

Audio problem: In the Prom Gazebo scene, Bella wonders why Edward will not turn her into a vampire. Edward says, "I'm not going to END your life for you." These words do not match his mouth and appear to be dubbed. "End" being dubbed over some other word, possibly beginning with a "B". (01:46:40)

Audio problem: Sophie and her boyfriend sing at the beach, he says he likes to smoke and pronounces the word "true" with the camera facing him. Right afterwards there's a side shot and music is heard with no lyrics, but he is mouthing as if singing. Then back to a front shot and now he sings and mouths.

Audio problem: At the social, when the P.E teacher is talking to the French teacher, she says "Gosh, you look like James Bond!" But her mouth never moves.

Audio problem: When Carl gets on Lee's Ducati and revs the engine, the sound heard is from an inline four cylinder engine, not a 1100cc L-twin Ducati Hypermotard.

Audio problem: In the cornfield, after Rick has run Lance over in his truck, Rick gets out and walks towards Lance saying, "Get on your feet, you....!" Although the shot is shown upside-down it is quite plain that his lips are not moving. (00:33:50)

Audio problem: At the hospital, just before it cuts to Dr. Pincus answering, or rather not answering, the nurse's admittance questions, when a doctor asks about his charts as he says, "I appreciate it," his mouth is not in sync with the words. (00:09:45)

Audio problem: When we hear the one kid crying and Jenny gives them to John, you can tell the kid isn't really crying.

Audio problem: When Leela says "I'm saving my neck for a rich handsome Dracula!" whilst being ambushed by Vivo, her mouth doesn't match what she's saying at the end of the sentence. (01:01:10)

Audio problem: When Pavlov is speaking with the doctor, we hear him finishing a sentence with "say, a doctor, perhaps" but his motionless mouth and jaw show he isn't speaking at all in the side shot. (00:19:00)

Audio problem: When Augie is kneeling down, Sarah walks by and says to him "Hi Blupkin" but her mouth does not move. (00:25:30)