Trivia: The family of late author Roald Dahl who wrote the novel The Witches gave director Robert Zemeckis permission to do a remake on the condition that the ending of the movie follow the ending of the book, where the boy remains a mouse.

Trivia: When the kids are walking down the stairs in the subway station, you can see one guy walking upstairs dressed as the character Mojo Jojo from "The Powerpuff Girls." Mojo Jojo was voiced by Roger L. Jackson, the same voice actor for Ghostface.

Trivia: During Joey's nightmare, he is seduced by a topless nurse who then captures him before turning into Freddy. As originally conceived, only her face was going to transform at first, thus having Freddy's burnt male head on top of an otherwise perfect topless female body in order to create an eerie, otherworldly look. The actress portraying the nurse even took part in some test shots and performed the scene under heavy prosthetics to make her face look exactly like Freddy's. However, the effect was cut as the crew felt it looked far too weird, and that it diminished the moment when Freddy fully appears on-camera in the scene.

Trivia: Director Russell Mulcahy manages to insert his name in this movie: Lamont Cranston's butler is addressed as "Russell" by Margo Lane at Cranston's residence, and there is a delivery truck with the name "Mulcahy" emblazoned on the side of the vehicle.

Trivia: Jimmy didn't die even though it never shows him after he faints on the steering wheel in the car with Lori. He simply passed out. The television cut shows him alive in the ambulance at the end, but for some reason in the theatrical version, they left it out for us to 'wonder'.

Trivia: Like Tanedra Howard won a role in Saw 6, Gabby West won the second season of Scream Queens and is featured in this film. She is Kara, Evan's girlfriend. She is underneath one of the rear wheels of the car in the garage trap.

Trivia: At the very end of the movie when the new kids are telling the story, they make a sarcastic comment about the killer being the girl from the Noxzema commercials. The girl who played the killer, Rebecca Gayheart, really was the girl from the Noxzema commercials.

Trivia: Director John Singleton can be seen briefly as the goalie in the Thanksgiving hockey game. (00:19:35)

Trivia: In the beginning, after Jason gets off the train, there is a shot of Jason outside at night looking up a snow-covered street with some footprints in the snow leading away from him. These footprints belong to director Doug Liman. (00:10:29)

Trivia: In the hospital Heather is told that she can not be in a certain area without a pass; she replies "Screw your pass." The very same line was spoken, by her character Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street 1, to a hall monitor in her dream.

Trivia: Mr. Tuttle is also the name of the housekeeper from another haunted-house movie, "The Changeling" (1960).