Trivia: The bystanders looking at the camera when Rosemary crosses the street were staring in disbelief as Mia Farrow actually wandered out into oncoming traffic! Polanski did not want to "stage" the scene, so she was literally risking her life.

Trivia: The filmmakers originally had an ending in which Alex grabs the cable that lies on Clear's car, Alex catches fire and dies. Then Clear gets her baby and Carter survives. The test audience didn't like this, so the filmmakers shot another ending in which Alex is decapitated by a crashing police helicopter. But again, the test audience didn't like the fact that Alex dies, so they shot the finish with the billboard, which took 6 days to film and cost nearly $2,000,000.

Trivia: One should really stay to the very end of the credits, as Johnny Depp (Mort) sings an amusing little tune.

Trivia: Right at the end, in fact the very last frame, you can see a face in the snow as the shot fades out.

Trivia: The personal bios of the characters are handed out in the order that they die in.

Trivia: The movie was originally scripted with a male lead and Tom Cruise was approached to play the title character. Ultimately, he backed out and the script was rewritten with a female lead and Angelina Jolie took the role.

Trivia: For his role as Vincent, Donnie Wahlberg lost so much weight that, between when he met M. Night Shyamalan and when he arrived on set for filming, Shyamalan found him completely unrecognizable.

Trivia: There is an actual band in Canada called the Wyrd Sisters who tried to stop the November 18th release of 'Goblet of Fire' in Canada because there is a band of the same name in the movie, but they lost their case.

Trivia: Steven Spielberg "interviewed" over 100 trucks before finding the forboding, evil looking one for the movie.

Trivia: In the scene near the end of the movie, there is a board meeting on the tarmac. The Chairman of the Board is Stephen King who is the author of The Langoliers. (02:10:15)

Trivia: Filming of this movie took only eighteen days.

Trivia: In the scene at the supermarket, Danny is looking at a selection of DVDs, but when he puts it down to chase the thief, in the bin you can see the DVD named "Zombies Party" which is the Spanish version of Shaun of the Dead.

Trivia: Often times when a movie is distributed the name of the movie on the actual can is changed or altered to prevent piracy. The name on this movie was "Hal," a reference to "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968).

Trivia: In the second youth hostel they visit, people are watching TV. The movie they are watching is Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino, who is one of the producers of this film.

Trivia: Gracie's and Vic's hotel room in the movie are both marked 103 for some reason. The crew did it on purpose, for reasons unknown.

Trivia: The voice of Scrappy was done by Scott Innes, who voices Scooby-Doo and others in the recent cartoons (since 1998).