Trivia: The personal bios of the characters are handed out in the order that they die in.

Trivia: In the scene near the end of the movie, there is a board meeting on the tarmac. The Chairman of the Board is Stephen King who is the author of The Langoliers. (02:10:15)

Trivia: Kevin Spacey made sure that it was in his contract that his name would not appear in any press releases or reviews, that his photo would never appear in any of the above, he was not to be mentioned in interviews nor was his name to be anywhere in the opening credits. He cites his reason as being that The Usual Suspects and Outbreak were both opening earlier that same year and figured that people would start to recognize his name. And he also figured that if people saw his name in connection with the movie and he didn't appear for the first 2/3 of the movie they would know that he was playing the killer, thus ruining the element of shock and surprise that the moment in the movie has built up to. To compensate, Spacey is listed first in the ending credits.

Trivia: While filming the movie "Dumb And Dumber Too", Jim Carrey admitted to Jeff Daniels that he hated making this movie because he found it an offensive depiction of the native people, and he never understood why Ace, who was a lover of all animals, was afraid of bats. Jim Carrey even suggested that instead of Ace being afraid of bats, that he should be allergic to them.

Trivia: Just after the scene when Waingro escapes being killed, there's a shot of De Niro looking at the sea through the glass with his left arm touching a window frame, and his automatic gun on a little table. This shot is inspired by the picture "Pacific" (1967) made by the Canadian artist Alex Colville.

Trivia: Rapper Jeriko One's name is a reference to an Israeli missile.