Trivia: The Klingon who defends Kirk and McCoy at the trial is Michael Dorn, the actor who plays Worf in The Next Generation. The Klingon makeup is also identical, even though it is supposed to be a different character. (The makeup is actually more subdued than the makeup for TNG [flatter] but it looks similar because he is actually playing one of Lieutenant Worf's ancestors.)

Trivia: The scenes in Krone's laboratory were photographed around a real Tokamak machine, which soon afterward was disassembled & shipped to a Chinese university.

Trivia: Towards the beginning of the movie when Emma Roberts and Hayden Panettiere are standing in the hallway next to their lockers at school, next to them is a bust of Henry Winkler's character who played the principal in the first film and was killed.

Trivia: Alfred Hitchcock makes his regular cameo watching a group of street entertainers.

Trivia: When Kate shouts "I'm not your f*****g mommy" to Esther, this is the same final dialogue of interaction between the antagonist and protagonist as in "The Ring 2".

Trivia: This was Alfred Hitchcock's 50th movie.

Trivia: At many points in the movie, the music playing in the background are slightly different versions of the song "A Hard Day's Night." This was the title track from the Beatles previous movie.

Trivia: The movie makers really wanted the audience to believe that Michael Rooker was the killer, rather than Leland Orser. So much so that Rooker actually played the killer in almost all the scenes where the killer wears a mask. When you see the eyes of the killer through the mask the eyes are Rooker's.

Trivia: Many of the corridors in the Event Horizon are coffin shaped - perhaps foreshadowing the fact that it is a "death" ship?

Trivia: The role of Kyle was originally written for a male character, but when Jodie Foster expressed interest, the filmmakers felt she was strong enough to carry the part and cast her instead.

Trivia: The unit that was portrayed in the tank battle was to be the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment because they were actually in a friendly fire incident. During the shoot, someone showed the director the 2nd ACR's patch and he thought that was better looking.

Trivia: Near the end, the publisher tells Sarah Morton that he is disappointed in her latest book and asks her "Where's the plot twist?" Interestingly enough, the viewer is presented with a very big plot twist a short while later as the movie ends.

Trivia: The budget for this movie was so small that some of the scenes were actually filmed in director David Lynch's own house.

Trivia: When Kelvin gives Rheya the pill to relax, note that she takes a sip of water first and then puts the pill in her mouth. When director, Steven Soderbergh, asked Natascha McElhone if she did this as a part of her performance, as possibly a statement that if "you are created by Solaris that is how you take a pill?" Natascha was confused and informed him that was simply how she took pills. (00:48:25)

Trivia: At one point in the movie, Kevin Bacon's wife makes a comment about him playing in 'that stupid band with your brother'. In real life, Kevin Bacon actually does play in a band with his brother, called The Bacon Brothers.

Trivia: Alfred Hitchcock appears 11 mins into the film walking past the building James Stewart is about to enter.

Trivia: The strange incantation heard at the beginning of the orgy scene is a fragment of a Romanian Orthodox Church sermon played backwards. If you play it backwards you'll notice that there are two main voices (in the movie is supposed to be only one - the voice of the "great priest") and a choir.