Trivia: When Hagrid is welcomed back to Hogwarts and everyone stands up and applauds, Vincent Crabbe also stands up and starts to applaud as well. This wasn't in the script and Tom Felton, staying in character, quickly grabbed Jamie and pulled him back down.

Trivia: Paul Thomas Anderson, who directed Tom Cruise in Magnolia, has a cameo on the train. It is reported that he is so hard to find that Anderson himself does not know where he appears.

Trivia: When the alien's hand comes out of the coal grate for Morgan, if you look closely you will see that the hand was already through the grate and the alien was using its colour changing abilities to hide. So if you look very closely you will that that the hand comes UP from the grate and not through it, and if you look VERY carefully you can see the outline of the hand even before Morgen says "What?"

Trivia: The voice of Scrappy was done by Scott Innes, who voices Scooby-Doo and others in the recent cartoons (since 1998).

Trivia: In the beginning, after Jason gets off the train, there is a shot of Jason outside at night looking up a snow-covered street with some footprints in the snow leading away from him. These footprints belong to director Doug Liman. (00:10:29)

Trivia: When the movie shows that Joe is selling his house, there's a real estate sign. Notice carefully it says, "Curtiss Real Estate", this is named after the person at the credits "In Loving Memory of Katherine Ann Curtiss." (01:38:40)

Trivia: When Kelvin gives Rheya the pill to relax, note that she takes a sip of water first and then puts the pill in her mouth. When director, Steven Soderbergh, asked Natascha McElhone if she did this as a part of her performance, as possibly a statement that if "you are created by Solaris that is how you take a pill?" Natascha was confused and informed him that was simply how she took pills. (00:48:25)

Trivia: The shot of Meg turning on the security screens took 57 takes before director David Fincher was happy.

Trivia: When Kate and Sasha are talking and Kate says "Please, you have to have some idea what this means.". At that time you can see an alien looking person moving reflected in the walls. It moves into view, stops for a second and moves out of view again. This is not Kate because she is standing on the other side of the room. There is also a quiet sound effect as it shows itself. (01:13:15)

Trivia: When Claire is in the Captain's quarters and turns to see the dead Winters' lying in his bunk, two shots that follow show Olivia first turning away from Winters, then emerging from his room into the passageway. Both of these shots were filmed in reverse, then played backwards to make them look more eerie - note the odd movement of her hair, especially in the latter shot. (01:22:40)

Trivia: This is the first film since A Perfect World (1993) in which Clint Eastwood has carried a gun.

Trivia: There is something red in every scene.