Trivia: The film is edited by Kevin Greutert, who edited "Saw" 1-5, and directed the sixth and seventh films. Greutert is one of only a few holdover crewmembers from the original run of the series to return. He said he felt an obligation to be a part of "Jigsaw"- feeling that given his past with the series, he should help usher the franchise into the new direction that the producers and writers wanted to take, while also helping to maintain ties to what came before.

Trivia: When Lorraine jumps out of the window using the hose the policeman at the other end lets out a "Wilhelm scream" just as he is dragged across the floor.

Trivia: There actually is an in-universe explanation for why Tree got stuck in a time-loop. However, director Christopher Landon opted to omit it from the finished film. Partially because it could be used in a potential sequel, and partially because it wasn't necessary for the narrative. Landon has hinted that the upcoming sequel, "Happy Death Day 2U," will finally reveal the explanation.

Trivia: Shawn says at one point "Jules would never do a Hallmark movie." Maggie Lawson starred in a Hallmark movie called "My Favourite Wedding" the same year this was released.

Trivia: Charlie was trying to find Laura's killer during the Summer of 1969. The night the officer brought Charlie home, there was a Christmas tree, decorations (tinsel/garland), and Christmas greeting cards hung on the wall in his house. In Australia, Christmas is celebrated in the summer because December, January, and February are summer months south of the equator. Christmas is still celebrated on December 25th - the date, not the "season", is what matters. (00:47:00)

Trivia: "Before I Fall" shares some pretty interesting parallels to the movie "Happy Death Day." Both films feature a young woman who is trapped in a time loop. Both films were released in 2017. Universal Pictures handled the home-video distribution of "Before I Fall" and the theatrical distribution of "Happy Death Day." And Halston Sage and Logan Miller both co-starred in "Before I Fall," in addition to "Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse," which had the same director as "Happy Death Day."