Trivia: George Lutz denounced this remake, stating that it was complete drivel.

Trivia: There is an actual band in Canada called the Wyrd Sisters who tried to stop the November 18th release of 'Goblet of Fire' in Canada because there is a band of the same name in the movie, but they lost their case.

Trivia: In the second youth hostel they visit, people are watching TV. The movie they are watching is Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino, who is one of the producers of this film.

Trivia: Director John Singleton can be seen briefly as the goalie in the Thanksgiving hockey game. (00:19:35)

Trivia: During the opening credits, there are hidden messages within the names of the people who worked on the production, which are bolded out in red within the person's name. There are five of them, the words 'man', 'cat', 'see', 'red', and 'me'. All these have relevance to the plot.

Trivia: The original script by Neal Marshall Stevens had nothing to do with the Hellraiser mythos, but when it was decided that this would be a Hellraiser sequel, Tim Day made the character of Winter a descendant of the toymaker L'Merchant.

Trivia: The scenes in Krone's laboratory were photographed around a real Tokamak machine, which soon afterward was disassembled & shipped to a Chinese university.

Trivia: The role of Kyle was originally written for a male character, but when Jodie Foster expressed interest, the filmmakers felt she was strong enough to carry the part and cast her instead.

Trivia: Filming was often delayed because, according to Selma Blair, "we had too much fog to shoot sometimes, which really made me laugh. We had to wait for the fog to clear out."

Trivia: The title was suggested by Val Kilmer - it was originally called simply "Bang!"