Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Visible crew/equipment: When Julie says "It's probably just your nerves" then Heather replies "Nerves?!", above Heather's head you see a boom mic dip down into view. (00:12:25)


Continuity mistake: When Julie scares the nurse with the needle, the nurse turns around. When it cuts, she turns around again. (01:15:10)


Continuity mistake: When Freddy is dragging Dylan's babysitter up the wall, you see that no blood goes onto the x-rays on the wall. But in the next shot, you see blood rubbed up the top of the x-ray screen. (01:17:55)

Continuity mistake: When Nancy asks Dylan "What is that?" and Dylan answers "Rex," the book is on the bed. When they crawl under the sheet, the book is gone. (00:26:20)


Visible crew/equipment: When on the phone to Chase, Heather says "He's had some sort of an ... episode" and as she says this a boom mic briefly dips into view, above her head. (Seen on DVD version) (00:23:40)


Continuity mistake: In one scene Heather is in her room, when the TV turns itself on. She turns it off, then reaches for her coffee jug, and you can see a picture frame by the jug. Yet in the next wide shot of Heather, the picture frame has moved. (01:04:05)


Continuity mistake: When Nancy is covered with Freddy's tongue, the tongue goes under her shirt. When it cuts, the tongue no longer is under the shirt. (01:36:20)


Visible crew/equipment: After Julie is killed, she falls to the floor, and if you look closely you can see the big black mattress she lands on. (Seen on DVD version.) (01:18:35)


Visible crew/equipment: The boom operator for this film should have been fired. You can the microphone dip into view whilst Dr. Heffner is whispering to her junior nurses, as you can hear Heather wrestling with the security officers. (Some DVD versions.) (01:14:00)


Revealing mistake: When the glove comes up the car seat and into Porter's chest, there are lights from buildings out the side window, so the car isn't moving at all. When it cuts, there's suddenly a hill where the lights should be and now the car is moving again. (00:29:30)


Continuity mistake: When Freddy cuts through the sheet before entering reality you see him making a large cut in the sheet. On the next shot, the sheet is only cut in face level. (01:23:50)


Continuity mistake: When we see Porter through the windshield of his car, there is no blood on his shirt. When it cuts, the shirt is covered in blood. (00:29:35)


Continuity mistake: When Dylan and Heather are looking at the manuscript you see them looking at the first page. In the next shot she flips back to the first page again. (01:38:50)


Continuity mistake: Heather follows the sleeping pills (bread crumbs) into Dylan's room. She has the pills in her right hand and the kitchen knife in the left. She picks up two pills then reaches for the one on the pillow. She reaches for it with her index finger and thumb her hand closed but when they show the close up on her hand she picks it up with her middle finger and thumb with her hand open. (01:27:20)

Continuity mistake: When Freddy is reaching for Dylan inside the fireplace, his left hand changes position on the bars. (01:34:15)


Continuity mistake: When on the phone we hear Freddy say "Freddy's comin for you!" Heather puts the phone down, but it doesn't go on the hook. Yet when it cuts to Dylan standing in the kitchen, the phone is back on the hook. (00:10:10)


Continuity mistake: Heather goes to the hospital after she is cut by Freddy and the doctor bandages her up. The bandage goes to the middle of her arm then later when she falls into Freddy's world from her son's bed the bandage is around her wrist only and there are no scratches where the bandage should be. (01:08:20 - 01:29:30)

Continuity mistake: When Heather is talking to Dr. Heffner, whilst having her cuts bandaged up, Heather exclaims "I forgot to bring his dinosaur Rex..." After that shot, Dr. Heffner's hand goes from being on Heather's arm, to not, then back on her arm between shots. (01:08:15)


Visible crew/equipment: The boom mic dips into view once again whilst Heather is on the phone to Chase, as she says "...Like Freddy." (Seen on DVD version) (00:24:00)


Continuity mistake: When Julie puts Dylan down and Dylan says "Mommy, stay home then", between shots Julie goes from having her right hand on her hip, and her left arm down by her side, to having her left hand on her hip and her right arm down by her side. (00:11:55)


Robert Englund: I think they'd like to see us together again.
Heather Lagenkamp: In what? A romantic-comedy?
Robert Englund: Just because it's a love story doesn't mean it can't have a decapitation or two.

More quotes from Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Trivia: In the hospital Heather is told that she can not be in a certain area without a pass; she replies "Screw your pass." The very same line was spoken, by her character Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street 1, to a hall monitor in her dream.

More trivia for Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Question: It is said that in the original script, Julie the babysitter was meant to be Freddy's pawn, and even though they removed that part, there are still elements in the film that point fingers at her. What are some of these elements?


Chosen answer: Mostly just very subtle hints. In the beginning when she arrives right around the same time that Heather gets a call from the psycho-stalker, suggesting a possible connection. And the fact she's alone with Dylan many times during the film, as she could be subtly manipulating him to act out.

More questions & answers from Wes Craven's New Nightmare

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