Tony Wilson: Energy, energy? Energy is, is, it's nothing more than a lot of new age hokum masquerading as spirituality.
Ian Curtis: Existence. Well, what does it matter? I exist on the best terms I can. The past is now part of my future. The present is well out of hand.
Rome: I've got a little treat for y'all tonight. It's the man I knew as White Chocolate. Some might know him as Magic Mike. We gonna see if he still got some magic in that Mike. You down for a little fun tonight? Have a seat. Mike?
Mike: Come on, let's not do this.
Dee Dee Ramone: Hilly! Sire Records. This is the contract.
Hilly Kristal: Congratulations.
Joey Ramone: You pissed?
Johnny Ramone: I'd be fucking pissed.
Dee Dee Ramone: You're always fucking pissed.
Hilly Kristal: Are you kidding me? I'm proud of you guys.
Joey Ramone: Can't believe we got signed. We suck.
Jack Fate: All of us in some way are trying to kill time. When it's all said and done, time ends up killing us.
Jimmy Rabbitte: Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud.
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: Are you wondering whether I'm a witch?
Tommy: Aged 11: Suppose you are a witch?
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: Suppose I am.
Tommy: Aged 11: Would you do a guy a favor?
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: I've been waiting for twenty years to give a guy a favor.
Mesh-Head: If I were you, I would run.
Buddy: If you were me, you'd be good-lookin'.
Georgie Elgin: Frank's on stage.
Bernie Dodd: I know. I want to talk to you.
Georgie Elgin: The last time we talked, Mr. Dodd, you reduced me to tears. I promise you, it won't happen again.