Edgar Bergen: Yes, the voice of this golden harp cast a magic spell of joy and prosperity over the valley, but it was too good to last.
Charlie McCarthy: I knew there was a catch in it.
Edgar Bergen: For one day.
Charlie McCarthy: They built a school house.
Edgar Bergen: No, no.
John: There's just no point hating someone you love.
James Wright: How many Beatles are there?
Kyle Davidson: Three... and Ringo.
Hawk: Only a car full of Stellas and Guidos would ride your ass on a 2-lane highway and honk.
Moose: One move can give a skinny, curly haired kid hope... hope that he's something special.
Marquis de Sade: Man has given a false importance to death. Any animal, man or plant that dies adds to Nature's compost heap becomes the manure without which nothing could grow, nothing could be created. Death is simply part of the process. Every death, even the cruellest death drowns in the total indifference of Nature. Nature would watch unmoved if we destroyed the entire human race. I hate Nature.
Dusty: Why do they call it PMS? Because Mad Cow was already taken.
Marv Gomez: Dancing. Everything else is bullshit.
Nick: If anyone is getting raped in that van, it'll be a guy.
Agnes Carpenter: Karen, you're not eating. You look too thin, if you ask me.
Karen Carpenter: Mother, how can anybody be too thin?
T.V. Director: I won an award.
John: A likely story.
T.V. Director: It's on the wall in my office.