Hawk: Only a car full of Stellas and Guidos would ride your ass on a 2-lane highway and honk.

Agnes Carpenter: Karen, you're not eating. You look too thin, if you ask me.
Karen Carpenter: Mother, how can anybody be too thin?

Bobby James: Get the goons with the fruit.

Kim Fowley: You hear that? That's the sound of hormones raging.

Doorman: Are you expected?
Tony Manero: To do what?

Wizard: Can't you see it? Wizard productions presents the number one heat wave: august rush.
August Rush: Yeah! Me! That's me.

Chico: Have you thought about your career? About your future?
Rita: Future, what future? The future never gave me anything! All my hopes are set on the past.

T.V. Director: I won an award.
John: A likely story.
T.V. Director: It's on the wall in my office.