Audio problem: When Sakana has captured Loana the first time, Tumak is fighting Sakana for Loana. Tumak has stabbed Sakana with his spear and is about to kill him when Loana intervenes crying "Neh, Neh," while grabbing the spear and deflecting the final thrust. The defect is that Loana's last "Neh," is heard while her mouth is firmly closed.

Audio problem: In the scene where Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is passing the train you can see a continuous trail of smoke issuing from the train. It is exiting from the train's whistle, meaning that there should be a continuous high pitched whistling noise, yet there is no such thing.

Audio problem: The sounds of the weapons being used in the movie are evidently inserted in most cases. Like 1) When MacLeod fights Fasil in the Madison Square Garden garage, he uses an iron bar to ward off the sword blows - the twin sounds in both impacts are exactly the same, but in the second instance, the bar is hit only once. 2) When MacLeod and Brenda are ambushed by Kurgan, MacLeod swings a cable or chain at Kurgan. The sounds are exactly like those of the swinging swords.

Audio problem: When Tori says "something was rubbing my leg" her mouth doesn't move in the shot when she says "my leg." (00:30:30)

Audio problem: When Norville carries Amy up to his office, he sets her down on the couch and she says "not that I would trade a day, and hour, or a moment of it" but her lips are not moving.

Audio problem: In the uncensored version (certain scenes were thought too graphic, and thus a lot of copies of the movie are edited), Dracula picks Renfield up and strangles him, and Renfield is screaming. Okay, how can someone scream if they're being strangled? (The censored version, however, works because you can't hear Renfield).

Audio problem: When the demon pulls the devil's pinky off a demon says "gross" but his mouth never moves. (00:12:45)

Audio problem: In Orlok's dining room, the clock chimes about seven times even though Orlok said minutes ago that it was almost midnight.

Audio problem: When Russ jumps from out behind the bush and says, "I say that ant is ours", his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: Another audio problem in the same scene: As Brian Engle is approaching the cockpit, there is some more muttering, presumably in this order (using actors initials: MLC: Right, Good God. PW: Is he (muffled) MLC: I know, I seem real strange. He's outta control.

Audio problem: There is a scene when Alexia eats a muffin. On the first bite, it makes a sound as if it was hard.

Audio problem: In the scene where April is putting the wax on Jessica's face, April makes some sort of laughing/exhaling noise. Her mouth opens slightly but not enough to make the noise.

Audio problem: The ghost of Christmas past says "these are but shadows... they are what they are - do not blame me." Her mouth keeps moving after she stops speaking.
Suggested correction: No, it doesn't. When she finishes this speech at 45:16, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge. We can only see the back of the ghost. Her mouth is not visible.
Suggested correction: A mouth can move without speaking, not an audio problem but a puppeteering problem that is not a mistake.
A puppeteer problem would still be a mistake.
Maybe for the puppeteer, but in the movie it is no problem because a mouth can move without sound coming out. So what exactly went wrong?
But practically speaking people (or puppets) don't just flap their mouth open and closed with no reason. The overwhelming probability is simply that there was a dubbing error or a line was cut and the dialogue didn't fit with the mouth movement.
The mouth opens 1 extra time. That's all.
But it's glaring enough to be noticeable. Regardless of how or why it happened, it's a mistake.
In the version on Disney+, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge as the spirit finishes her speech. We only see the back of the spirit's head. Are you seeing something different on other versions?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBDqCFyugW0. I got the scene right here, it's at 1:50. Judge for yourself. I can repeat that part over and over again, but to be honest, sometimes it looks like there is an extra movement. Sometimes I can't see it. Even if it was, muppets move their mouths without speaking all the time.

Audio problem: When Ardeth and his men attack Rick and the others during the nighttime raid, and Rick lights a stick of dynamite, Ardeth says "Enough.", but his mouth does not move.

Audio problem: When trying to steel the BET, Serpentor fllies in close and Duke grabs onto his glider. The sounds of TIE Fighters are used for Serpentor's glider. You can even hear Darth Vader breathing for a moment. (00:15:45)

Audio problem: Right before Kylo Ren kills Lor San Tekka, he says "You're so right," and the sound of him igniting his lightsaber while raising it upward, then killing Tekka. You can see red light that is flickering at the bottom of the screen while Ren is talking, meaning that the lightsaber is on, but there is no sound of the lightsaber, and there is still a sound of ignition when it is already on.

Audio problem: Guy flushes the toilet as he walks through the bathroom. The toilet is actually empty and the sound is an over-dub because there is no resistance on the handle when he pushes it down. Had an old toilet like that actually been full you would see the resistance in the lever as the flapper inside rises. (00:04:45)

Audio problem: As Lulu drops from the moon beam onto some books, the school house says "Or would you rather be a mule?" It pauses for a moment, and then you hear the school house begin singing about a mule as the camera cuts to a close up of the mule drawing in a book. But a split second before the cut, the school house begins his singing, and gets a couple words in before the camera cut. However you can see the school house’s mouth is not moving at this point. (00:04:05)

Audio problem: When John Coffey is found, a Sheriff holds a double barrelled shotgun to his throat, and a clicking sound is heard when it's done. It's presumed it's him cocking back the hammers on the shotgun, but if you look closely, it's a hammerless shotgun.

Audio problem: During Electro and Spidey's final battle, after Spidey breaks the yellow pipe Electro says "Is that all you've got?" but his lips aren't moving. (01:51:15)