Tito: Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall.

Gordon Bombay: Keep swingin'. Maybe you'll give them a cold.

Nick Kringle: I'm Santa, you know. I don't get a vacation. I don't even get Christmas off.
Noelle Kringle: Well, you can't be Santa if your having a nervous breakdown.

Ben the Cow: Otis, a strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others.

Anne-Marie: Charlie, will I ever see you again?
Charlie: Sure you will, kid. You know goodbyes aren't forever.
Anne-Marie: Then goodbye, Charlie. I love you.
Charlie: Yep... I love you too.

Detective Pikachu: That's right, Mr. Mime. [chuckling] You're about to be Mr. Melt unless you start talking.

Summer Jones: I see things.
Jack Shepard: Do you see dead people?
Summer Jones: I see you suffer from a massive inferiority complex.
Jack Shepard: I try to hide that so well.

Pugsley: Are they dead?
Wednesday: Does it matter?

Anya: [reading letter.] "I am sure he hurts the poor little kitten and when I cry, he just laughs at me. Yours sincerely, Miss Sarah Foster." You were quite right to bring this to our attention, Dooley. That little boy must not get a present.
Santa Claus: No present for him? Every child should get a present.
Anya: It's time to change the rules.
Santa Claus: You'll have folks saying that Santa Claus only rewards the good little boys and girls.
Anya: Isn't that as it should be?
Santa Claus: Alright. Dooley, make up a list of who is naughty and nice.
Dooley: Yes, sir.
Santa Claus: And be careful. I'll be checking it twice.