Gwen Grayson: I went through puberty twice for this?!
Will: Oh My God...I made out with an old lady.
Principal Powers: I'm not Wonder Woman, you know.
Mr. Grayson: You're not that boy with the six hands, are you?
Will Stronghold: Just two.
Mr. Grayson: Well keep them to yourself.
Gwen: I'm a technopath. I can control technology with my mind.
Will Stronghold: Wow. All I can do is punch stuff.
Mr. Medulla: Yet he'll be the one on cereal boxes. Show me the justice in that.
Warren Peace: Did you want me to heat that up for you?
Layla: Warren, we're not supposed to use our powers outside of school!
Warren Peace: I know, I was just gonna stick it in the microwave.
Answer: Voices carry.