Barry B. Benson: Ya like jazz?

Chad Danforth: You got game?
Ryan Evans: A little.

Fred Claus: Nick, there's been one thing that's been eating at me since I've been here. That Naughty-Nice List that you got? There's no naughty kids, Nick. They're all good kids. But some of them are scared. And some of them don't feel listened to. Some of them had some pretty tough breaks too. But every kid deserves a present on Christmas.

Dolores Umbridge: What? Do something! Tell them I mean no harm!
Harry Potter: I'm sorry Professor. I must not tell lies.

Artie: Did you say you were looking for Arthur?
Puss in Boots: That information is on a need to know basis.
Donkey: It's top secret. Hushity-hush.

Nick Persons: You're the local real estate guy.
Chuck Mitchell, Jr.: I'm also the local contractor.

Noah Wilder: You don't need that much sugar, dad.

Nancy Drew: I wonder who tried to kill us?
Corky: Yeah, I'm wondering that too. In fact, I'm kind of freaking out about it.

Lord Asriel: I wouldn't recommend the Tokay, gentlemen, it's corked.