Plot hole: When Margaret has to collect the $50,000, she goes around to various banks trying to get a loan on their house, which she can't get because her husband, co-owner of the house, isn't around. Why couldn't she just have taken the papers, said she was going to take them home to her husband, forged his signature, and brought them back? You can't exactly say she has either moral problems or isn't devious enough, since we've already seen her stuff a body into a dinghy, toss it into the lake, and come back to her house looking fairly normal.

Plot hole: The 3 minutes to destruction scene actually lasts for about 3 minutes and 30 seconds - they're lucky to be alive.

Plot hole: The attack on Israel scene leaves one important question: How would it have been possible for the bad guys (the Russians, or Arabs, or whoever) to stage such a massive surprise attack without being discovered ahead of time? Anyone who is knowledgeable in modern warfare would know that an operation of that scope would require a considerable amount of logistical preparation that could not possibly go unnoticed, especially considering the capabilities of modern spy satellites.

Plot hole: Though there's supposed to be a championship football game taking place near the end of the movie, the stadium is strangely devoid of fans. A meager effort was made to fill some seats, but most of the shots show empty ones. It also looks as if the production crew tried to save money by using only half the stadium lights.

Plot hole: Granted, Coffee is suffering from "high-pressure nervous syndrome," but if you're a Navy SEAL, wouldn't you notice whether or not your pistol has a magazine in it? Monk pulls the clip out of his jacket and starts knocking rounds out of it for the rig crew's benefit; the same dramatic effect could have been achieved with a handful of cartridges he could let slip through his fingers. You could argue that Monk didn't have enough time to unload the gun and replace the magazine, but in that case, I think the scene where Monk briefly had the gun should have been a bit longer. (Even had the empty magazine been IN the gun, Coffee still might notice the difference in weight, but that would be easier to suspend your disbelief for.) (01:43:53)

Plot hole: After The Pie runs away and breaks the delivery cart, Velvet jumps on Miss Ada (the family's cart horse) to chase after him. It seems very convenient that Miss Ada, whose only job is to pull the cart, is standing untied in the yard wearing a riding bridle, just waiting for Velvet to jump on.

Plot hole: When Gary Busey infiltrates the Mexican terrorists' compounds, he first throws a stick to distract some guards and kills them. A few minutes later a terrorist officer reports to his boss that Gary Busey has killed three of his best men. Are we to believe that the three best terrorists were tricked by a stick thrown into some bushes, and then easily killed by an unarmed assailant (they had submachine guns)?

Plot hole: When Captain Towers gives his XO an injection to allow him to die in peace, he, properly, swabs the site with alcohol, and slips the needle into the vein. However, immediately below the injection site, is a hep-lock.a port installed into a vein to allow injectables to be administered. I cannot imagine that a senior Naval officer would be so ignorant of the port's function.

Plot hole: Aside from the fact that you can't have a semi-automatic rifle delivered to your doorstep (except to an authorized dealer), there's also the fact that the weapon apparently was shipped with a full magazine. This is ridiculous. All the boy did was take the mag from the box to the gun and it started firing right away. One can assume they already had the ammo and filled the mag inside the house. This is countered by the fact that when he takes the mag out of the box, it is empty. Freeze-frame confirms there is not a single cartridge in the magazine before it is inserted into the weapon. (01:21:40)

Plot hole: In the scene in the woods right after Mel has gotten mad at Bobby he asks "Have I ever steered you wrong?" and Bobby shakes his head. Yet, it was Mel's idea to sell the drugs to Hitler's Henchmen, getting himself shot, getting Bobby beaten up and causing Rosie to lose the baby in the process. Maybe Bobby just didn't want Mel to hit him again. (01:01:05)

Plot hole: The time line in this movie doesn't make sense. The abortion took place on November 17th and Vera was arrested within the week - and the arresting detective mentions it took place on "Friday" - so we are to assume the Friday just passed. Pamela Barnes apparently took ill very quickly from massive infection after the abortion and was hospitalized on Saturday. The family is getting together on a Sunday to celebrate Ethel's engagement. Vera goes to court on Monday to face her charges - November 20th. Yet the magistrate sets her trial date for 3 weeks to the day - December 18th, which would be 4 weeks from then. There seems to be a week missing somewhere. If there was a week before Pamela took ill, the events seems to imply otherwise.

Plot hole: If Tori (Jessica Pare) has fears of being discovered that she's a lesbian and involved with Paulie (Piper Perabo), why would they be making out in the schoolyard and hanging all over each other in the gazebo?

Plot hole: At the end of the movie, snails collect on the apparatus on which Oliver and Oswald have set up a time-lapse camera to photograph their decaying bodies, eventually short-circuiting the camera and wrecking their experiment. As they had previously (01:34:18) set up similar apparatuses in the same area (Alba's country estate) photographing other decaying organisms, why didn't the snails collect on them? (Pleasant film, huh?) (01:52:45 - 01:53:50)

Plot hole: When Archie and the others take the castle acting as Saddam and his guard two Iraqi soldiers come running out, passing by Archie and Chief, for some reason not looking at them and thus not noticing their American uniforms. (01:18:55)

Plot hole: In the scene where William takes Murron for their initial ride, he shows up in pouring rain, yet all further shots show the two of them totally dry. The tone of her mother's voice when they get back suggests they did not spend the night together, and the whole sequence appeared in a couple hours. They could not have gone from soaking-wet to bone-dry that fast.

Plot hole: It's a good thing Sheldon didn't listen to Nora and change the cookie song, because if he had all the kids would still be singing Sheldon's cookie song (since they don't know about the change) thereby ruining the show without Rainbow Randolph's interference.

Plot hole: When Swayze goes through the weigh station, he is told he is exactly 80000 lbs in the US for a tandem tractor/trailer, (which is the legal limit, unless he has a permit, but unlikely to be EXACTLY that weight due to fuel burn, weight of driver, tools, etc) and sent around to have the load inspected. In 11 years of driving I have NEVER had a scalemaster inspect a load inside a dry van. Customs agents do, but not scalemasters. Also, Swayze tells the scalemaster he doesn't know why the pit bull is there, as he just picked up the trailer. That excuse wouldn't fly with an official. Finally, the way the trailer is loaded, the load would shift all over the place, probably not making 100 miles before being destroyed. (00:38:10)

Plot hole: Mun has an eye transplant, and this gives her the ability to see the dead. However, how come she can also hear the ghosts as well?

Plot hole: After the scene of Rachel as a child, there are six days worth of events in what should be five days. Monday Lisa kills herself. Rachel works at photo hut. Tuesday Jesse and Tracy have sex, Walter is hit by car. Wednesday Rachel stands Jesse up because Mark and Eric have come to her house. Thursday Jesse and Rachel's first date - no sex. Thursday again Eric meets with the DA and Jesse and Rachel have sex. Friday is the game and party.

Plot hole: When Andromeda and Perseus wake up on the beach, Andromeda tells Perseus that Argos needs a new leader/king. The problem with this is there is nothing onscreen to show that she even knew her father the King had died. She was hanging by her arms facing the Kraken and she couldn't turn around. By the time her father died, she was already falling into the sea, so again, she shouldn't even know her father has died.