Plot hole: The "video history" of the crashed USAF ship makes it very clear that the planet is uninhabited when they "landed". I can understand how a race of apes develops - they had a bunch of them on board. I can understand how a race of humans develops - they are descendants of the original crew. What I don't understand is...where the heck did all the horses come from?
Suggested correction: Humans refer to parts of their own planet as uninhabited even though they are crawling with animals - vast areas of the Arctic are "uninhabited" even though polar bears and seals are found there. Were we to find a planet with nothing but primitive horses on it, we would label it as uninhabited. Apes and humans came from the crashed spaceship, horses were always there.
Which still makes no sense whatsoever.
I agree with you Charles. Horses are native to Earth but, the Oberon lands on a planet light years from Earth so it's a big plot hole how horses from one planet could end up on another when the planet was not only uninhabited but, the Oberon was believed to be lost.
Again, the Oberon was a massive space station, genetically experimenting with many earthly lifeforms, including horses, apparently. The time/space-rift was very near Earth (Mark Wahlberg made the journey in about 25 seconds at the end of the film. Not years but seconds). The implication is that the Oberon passed through the rift, and much of the crew survived to continue their genetic research on what later became the Ape Planet. So, the Oberon initially arrived on a barren planet and introduced all of the biological and botanical species, including apes, horses, and everything else.
Suggested correction: According to the backstory, the space station Oberon was dedicated to genetic modification sciences. They were actually experimenting with animal genes in the safety of space (which kind of makes sense). Given that the Oberon was a truly gigantic space station, it's not too much of a speculation that they were experimenting on many different types of animals (not just apes). When the Oberon crashed on Ashlar, half its crew was killed, but half survived with a number of ship's systems still functional, and they continued their genetic research, possibly producing a number of Earthly species on the otherwise uninhabited planet.
I think this should've been posted as a question, rather than a plot hole.
That's just a wild guess. There hasn't been a single mention of horses on board the Oberon. Even if there were, why only horses?
Wild guess? The Oberon was experimenting in genetic modification, which implies a broad range of research...and not just on great apes. The Oberon was gigantic enough to be an Ark.
So where are all the other animals?
Exactly. Where are the birds, lions, lizards, etc?

Plot hole: How could the police miss finding Cybil in the trunk of Michael Zane's car when it was in an impound lot? They would have definitely searched the car if he was found in violation of a federal offence (for carrying the weapons). Even if they didn't do a search, they would certainly have heard the sounds that Cybil would have made from being locked in the trunk.

Plot hole: When the security guards enter the cage housing the blown safe there are no traces of the water used to break the safe - not even on the (dry) floor. This happens only minutes after the explosion sent the safe door and gallons of water across the cage.

Plot hole: How is it that the main character was able to follow her father's dead body to the coroner's office to see him put into a specific casket? She was a nine year old girl...no one noticed a little girl hanging around a morgue?
Suggested correction: Maybe the morgue workers didn't have the heart to eject a lone orphan from seeing her Dad for the last time?

Plot hole: When Martin decides to antagonize David by eating spinach, he eats it from his plate. When they both eat the spinach frantically, they each eat out of a large bowl. Where did the second large bowl come from, and why would there even be a second one if they only need enough for three people? (00:34:55)

Plot hole: About half way through the movie, the basketball coach is in his office and you can see a dry-erase board behind him, and a couple of dates such as 3-15-99... however earlier in the movie when they are announcing the basketball game they say that it is the 2000 season. They obviously changed the voice over to 2000 after the release date was changed, however the dates on the board are still referring to the scheduled '99 release.

Plot hole: When the police search the white car and the barn they fail to find the compartment in the car behind the boot in which the decoding equipment was hidden. This is completely improbable. It was a standard car, the compartment was not a secret add on, and the police were supposed to undertake a thorough search of everything.

Plot hole: In the middle of the film, after the custody hearing, Frank shows up at an event. Danny pretends that Frank dropped his wallet in order to have a brief conversation with his dad. Later, Rick confronts him about what they talked about. What does Rick expect? It's not like Danny will never be allowed to visit his father again. They are going to talk at some point. For Vince to expect that he will never talk to his father again is unrealistic.

Plot hole: When John retrieves the mail from the postman, Iris dashes outside. Less than 10 seconds after she closes the door, a car is heard, off-camera, honking a horn. Wouldn't John have found Iris so soon after that noise is heard? She doesn't seem to have enough time to allow for a search for her.

Plot hole: When Margaret has to collect the $50,000, she goes around to various banks trying to get a loan on their house, which she can't get because her husband, co-owner of the house, isn't around. Why couldn't she just have taken the papers, said she was going to take them home to her husband, forged his signature, and brought them back? You can't exactly say she has either moral problems or isn't devious enough, since we've already seen her stuff a body into a dinghy, toss it into the lake, and come back to her house looking fairly normal.

Plot hole: If Tori (Jessica Pare) has fears of being discovered that she's a lesbian and involved with Paulie (Piper Perabo), why would they be making out in the schoolyard and hanging all over each other in the gazebo?

Plot hole: The police wanted to take Julian's father away as a Jew because they found out his grandparents (plural) were Jewish. Even assuming they were only talking about one set of grandparents, this would make the father half Jewish, and therefore in the eyes of the Nazis, a Jew. That means that Julian would then be one quarter Jewish, and also considered a Jew. But the police then go on to say that the father is one quarter Jewish, but Julian is only one eighth Jewish, and therefore not a Jew. But he'd have to have only one Jewish great-grandparent to be non-Jewish, and they already confirmed that he had at least two. The numbers don't add up.

Plot hole: Danny receives the telegram from Rafe, telling him that he is alive, at the same time Rafe meets with Evelyn. The telegram must have been sent from Hawaii. Why didn't he just call on the phone? When Rafe reached the U.S. after leaving England why didn't he send a telegram then. In those days it took some time to travel from the Eastern U.S. all the way to Hawaii and there is no way he beat the telegram if it was sent when he returned to the U.S.

Plot hole: Jack is observing Maldic, one of the hijackers, while he is checking in at a London hotel. Maldic receives a message, and after he has read it he throws it into a garbage bin. However, at this particular moment Jack is looking discreetly into the opposite direction and should have no reason to look for the message in the garbage bin later. (00:48:00)

Plot hole: The kids in Soneji's class use an encrypted GIF algorithm to pass notes to each other and that "drives the teachers crazy", since they are unable to catch cheaters that way. But how do they do that? Easy, they have a message system in place installed on their workstations, that warns them with a big pop-up that they've got "A new message"! It would be easy to sanction and prevent the cheating by simply removing the chat application, no matter if they use it to chat directly or pass Michael Jordan photos as shown in the movie, which they have no business doing during an assignment anyway.