Plot hole: When Jack The Ripper checks his watch before confronting H.G. Wells and demanding the key, the hands point to 8:50, the ensuing chase to the museum and demise of the Ripper may have used up a half hour or so, yet the time on the wall clock indicates that it is midnight.
Suggested correction: Movie time and real time don't match, so 3 hours has passed without all 3 hours being shown. The fact that the clock now shows midnight is meant to explain this fact without the need for subtitles to reveal the time.
Plot hole: In one scene saboteurs rig the Concorde's cargo door to automatically open suddenly in flight, on the principle that the rapid decompression will cripple the airplane & cause it to crash. At the critical time the door does start to open, but jams and only opens very slightly. Minutes go by, with the ajar hatch allowing air to freely pass through. Then, suddenly, the door unjams, and the compartment is shown losing air pressure dangerously fast. Problem is, that since the door had been cracked open for several minutes, the air pressure would surely have gotten to equilibrium by that time. (01:32:45 - 01:36:30)
Plot hole: Though there's supposed to be a championship football game taking place near the end of the movie, the stadium is strangely devoid of fans. A meager effort was made to fill some seats, but most of the shots show empty ones. It also looks as if the production crew tried to save money by using only half the stadium lights.
Plot hole: Supposedly the plague broke out the moment the rats poured into the docks, as well as the plague breaking out when the rats got on the boat. However, these are domesticated rats. Only the fleas on black rats would carry the "Black Death," which is spread by fleas that aren't carried by other rats.