Plot hole: Suzie pulls out some of her teeth with a pair of heavy pliers. This would leave conspicuous tool marks on the teeth that would be visible to the naked eye, let alone under forensic examination. The conclusion would be that Suzie is missing, not dead, and the whole plot would unravel from there.

Plot hole: The original ending planned was a massive tropical storm/water based chase scene. However, this was decided to be too expensive, and was switched for a cheaper, and some say weaker ending. Nonetheless, in Nicholas Cage's final speech, he says "I keep thinking about that tunnel, and what would have happened if I'd drowned." This makes no sense, given that in the new ending he came nowhere near a tunnel or drowning.

Plot hole: Alain joins the Legion, goes through extensive training and eventually gets his photograph taken. That's how Galgani recognises him and sends two men to kill him. They arrive with a platoon at the fort just after Alain, Mackintosh and Luther. The photograph would have taken a while to get back to France and then the two men would have to go through the same training. So how do they both end up in the same fortress after they joined the legion long after Alain?

Plot hole: At the beginning of the film Lustig suddenly emerges from the water right in front of Finn. It's not possible that he could have been hiding in the shallow water without Finn noticing him. (00:03:40)

Plot hole: In the lobby of police headquarters, Danny Roman's lawyer tells him to make a deal with the prosecution. Danny turns to his wife Karen and tells her to wait in the car and he will be right back. Then he proceeds to go upstairs and overtake Niebaum's office. Much later when Chris Sabian is negotiating, Karen arrives on the scene wondering what's going on. How long was she waiting in the car? (00:28:35)
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. Karen (and anyone else still on the property) would have been sent away by the police once they became aware of the hostage incident. She went home to wait for Danny because she doesn't know he is the perpetrator. When she is called back to the scene by Sabian she wonders what is going on because she doesn't know that Danny has taken hostages in the building.
So she drove there with him and then just leaves him there? Lol. Can't see her just leaving without him since they drove there together. Even if people went around telling everyone to leave the area, I just can't see her not hanging around and waiting for him.

Plot hole: As the characters arrive at 'the Jar', Brill informs Dean that it is entirely cut off from the outside world (no communication lines or radio waves). Yet somehow he is able to access a Government database from this very location.

Plot hole: In the scene in the woods right after Mel has gotten mad at Bobby he asks "Have I ever steered you wrong?" and Bobby shakes his head. Yet, it was Mel's idea to sell the drugs to Hitler's Henchmen, getting himself shot, getting Bobby beaten up and causing Rosie to lose the baby in the process. Maybe Bobby just didn't want Mel to hit him again. (01:01:05)

Plot hole: When Swayze goes through the weigh station, he is told he is exactly 80000 lbs in the US for a tandem tractor/trailer, (which is the legal limit, unless he has a permit, but unlikely to be EXACTLY that weight due to fuel burn, weight of driver, tools, etc) and sent around to have the load inspected. In 11 years of driving I have NEVER had a scalemaster inspect a load inside a dry van. Customs agents do, but not scalemasters. Also, Swayze tells the scalemaster he doesn't know why the pit bull is there, as he just picked up the trailer. That excuse wouldn't fly with an official. Finally, the way the trailer is loaded, the load would shift all over the place, probably not making 100 miles before being destroyed. (00:38:10)

Plot hole: When Duke is being chased by the cop, Duke says, "But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know that you are pulling off for a proper place to talk. It'll take him a moment to realize he is about to make a 180 degree turn in speed. But you will be ready for him." Duke signals he is going to turn off to the right, but when he does, the cop turns to the left. (01:02:40)

Plot hole: Elise and Samir are in the back seat of Hub's car near a park, and Hub and his partner are standing outside the car. No one else is in the car. They pass notes as they know they are being watched and listened to. Elise and Samir walk away, and Hub and his partner get back into the front seats of the car and drive off. Suddenly a man jumps out of Hub's side of the front of the car and leads the soldiers in a foot chase. But it turns out not to be Hub, but a decoy, so Hub and partner can slip away. But this guy was not in the car before and they've been under surveillance, so this guy couldn't get in the car unseen and the decoy chase wouldn't have worked if he had been seen getting in the car. (01:33:40 - 01:36:15)

Plot hole: Batman finds at Belson's home a handwritten list of substances needed for a transplant. Why would Belson, a medical authority in the field that knows those things thoroughly, even write a list down? If it's for Freeze to procure him the material, why would it be at his house and not with him, and when did he even have time to be at home to do that, since he has been kidnapped by Freeze when he was driving on the outskirts of Gotham and taken to the oil rig? If he had time to go home, he at least would have changed clothes, he's still in the tuxedo he wore when he was kidnapped the night before.

Plot hole: Mannie gives his boss the money in time minus the amount the homeless man used. What's to say he won't come looking for him later upon discovering the amount gone, see Lola's casino winnings, think his employee ripped him off then kill both of them before taking the money?
Suggested correction: The money that the homeless spent is not that significant. He can make up that amount by himself.

Plot hole: Throughout the movie, Bladebeak works for the villains. But, during the climax, he becomes a good guy without any explanation.