Plot hole: During the Congressional hearing, it is suggested that the alien signal could have been faked from a satellite - as Ellie only has her own experience to go on, it leaves her believing what happened, but still with an element of doubt. However, as a professional astronomer, Ellie would have immediately dismissed this since a simple parallax (triangulation) would have confirmed that source was at the distance of Vega - a distance far too great for any rocket to reach. (This is mentioned in the book). In fact, this is mentioned early in the film, when the employees in New Mexico calculate the source of the signal while it is transmitting prime numbers.

Plot hole: When Jack The Ripper checks his watch before confronting H.G. Wells and demanding the key, the hands point to 8:50, the ensuing chase to the museum and demise of the Ripper may have used up a half hour or so, yet the time on the wall clock indicates that it is midnight.
Suggested correction: Movie time and real time don't match, so 3 hours has passed without all 3 hours being shown. The fact that the clock now shows midnight is meant to explain this fact without the need for subtitles to reveal the time.

Plot hole: When Edward meets with his PI, he hands him pictures of Connie and Paul that were taken the day before. In these pictures, there are also pictures of her coming out of Paul's apartment wearing jeans and a raincoat. The day Edward "went" to Chicago, was the same day she and Paul went to the movies. The next day, when Edward met with his PI to get the info, she hadn't seen Paul yet. And the day Edward hired the PI to follow his wife, she had already come and gone from Paul's wearing another black dress. The PI would only have time to see them on the day of the movie trip.

Plot hole: In the lobby of police headquarters, Danny Roman's lawyer tells him to make a deal with the prosecution. Danny turns to his wife Karen and tells her to wait in the car and he will be right back. Then he proceeds to go upstairs and overtake Niebaum's office. Much later when Chris Sabian is negotiating, Karen arrives on the scene wondering what's going on. How long was she waiting in the car? (00:28:35)
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. Karen (and anyone else still on the property) would have been sent away by the police once they became aware of the hostage incident. She went home to wait for Danny because she doesn't know he is the perpetrator. When she is called back to the scene by Sabian she wonders what is going on because she doesn't know that Danny has taken hostages in the building.
So she drove there with him and then just leaves him there? Lol. Can't see her just leaving without him since they drove there together. Even if people went around telling everyone to leave the area, I just can't see her not hanging around and waiting for him.

Plot hole: Towards the end of the movie when Michael Douglas makes his speech at the White House, he is able to quietly walk out of the gates with no reporters anywhere trying to chase him down. Totally unrealistic (especially considering what had just happened). (00:03:03 - 02:13:40)

Plot hole: As the characters arrive at 'the Jar', Brill informs Dean that it is entirely cut off from the outside world (no communication lines or radio waves). Yet somehow he is able to access a Government database from this very location.

Plot hole: Enola and Tewkesbury make an unpremeditated decision to visit the Basilwether estate. This decision was made on the spur of the moment, and no-one knew about it. but when they arrive, Linthorn, who is supposed to be in London looking for Tewkesbury, is waiting in ambush to kill them. (01:32:45 - 01:34:31)
Suggested correction: Linthorn saw them in London. He travelled back to the Basilweather estate, and waited for them to slowly make their way there.
Enola and the young Tewkesbury were in London two weeks prior to Enola's forced enrollment in a boarding school where she was supposed to spend her next few years! Furthermore, there is no evidence of Linthorn having seen them.

Plot hole: There's absolutely no reason why Kruger had to page Lee from the plane after he'd been drugged. The bad guys had no idea where Lee was until he did that and they traced the phone call. Not only did Kruger give away Lee's location, but he also gave away the only thing keeping the bad guys from killing him.

Plot hole: When Ashima's brother calls up Ashoke to inform him about the demise of Ashima's father, his head is shown as shaven. It is just the following day after the death of the father, as he himself declares. However according to Bengali customs, the hair is not shaven off until the thirteenth day after the death of a father.

Plot hole: In Jonathan's ballet at the workshop, Sergei proceeds very slowly through an array of twenty dancers before reaching the leading lady, whom he expects to be Maureen. But instead it is Eva, whom Maureen has asked to take her place. When Sergei sees Eva, he is extremely surprised. I guess that could make sense, if he's been focused on his own dancing. But the stage crew and several dancers in the wings start chattering confusedly, as if they've also just seen Eva for the first time in that same moment. However, Eva must have been standing there for several minutes, or at the very least had just walked through the crowd of surprised people, and Maureen must have been missing from her spot this whole time, so these people should be in mid-reaction. (01:26:50)

Plot hole: Despite being whipped and needing to go to the hospice afterwards to have her wounds seen to, when we see Madeleine later in the film she doesn't act as though she had whiplashes across her shoulders - she lies on her back that very night in bed, and gets up without a wince, she holds her shawl close when she is wandering around the asylum, she leans back against chairs, and in all the later scenes she is still wearing her tight bodice, despite the fact that such wounds would have been very painful for ages afterwards.

Plot hole: The morning of the final battle, the sun rises behind the mission, silhouetting a sentry. When the ending credits roll, the sun sets behind the mission.

Plot hole: After the first attack on the U96 the captain decides to resurface after sunset. However when they do resurface it's broad daylight.

Plot hole: During Godfather I, when Michael was plotting the assassinations of the 5 family heads, he mentions to his father that his son Anthony is thee years old, and 'reading the funny papers.' In Godfather II, we begin at Anthony's first communion, and the date given is 1958. Yet, later at the party, Kay mentions to Michael that 7 years ago he promised the family would be completely legitimate. This was before they married and Anthony was born. (This promise was part of Michael's proposal to Kay.) 7 years ago would be 1951, so how could Anthony be 3 years old then? (00:10:40 - 00:32:20)

Plot hole: How is it that the main character was able to follow her father's dead body to the coroner's office to see him put into a specific casket? She was a nine year old girl...no one noticed a little girl hanging around a morgue?
Suggested correction: Maybe the morgue workers didn't have the heart to eject a lone orphan from seeing her Dad for the last time?

Plot hole: When the Black & Tans are shown driving through the village, a blue house is visible behind them. The house has modern PVC windows.

Plot hole: When Martin decides to antagonize David by eating spinach, he eats it from his plate. When they both eat the spinach frantically, they each eat out of a large bowl. Where did the second large bowl come from, and why would there even be a second one if they only need enough for three people? (00:34:55)