Request Permission to Escape - S1-E32
Continuity mistake: As Schultz starts to wet Klink, several big spots appear on the left of Schultz's jacket, then disappear a moment later.
How to Cook a German Goose by Radar - S1-E24
Continuity mistake: As Tillman starts to talk to Hogan, he places his hand on, then removes, it from, Hogan's arm. A second later, he repeats removing his hand.
Continuity mistake: When Newkirk calls "Heil Hitler", everyone in the lobby salutes. A second later, in the closeup of Hogan and Newkirk, everyone's arms are suddenly back by their sides, much too quickly to be real.
Continuity mistake: As in S5: Ep1 "Hogan Goes Hollywood", the bridge Hogan looks at through binoculars is vastly different than the one wired with explosives. When the bridge blows up, it is a re-use of the footage from earlier episodes.
Continuity mistake: Even though Carter pops his head out of the hatch to talk to Hogan, it isn't Carter that's seen in the window as the tank approaches Hogan's position.
Continuity mistake: As Schultz takes the balloons away from Hogan, Newkirk is nowhere to be seen. A second later, he witnesses the entire scene.
Continuity mistake: As Klink asks about the forecast, his hand is around the microphone end of the receiver, then a moment later it's around the handle.
Continuity mistake: As the men are lined up, Klink starts to grill Hogan. Klink has his pistol aimed directly at Hogan, then it's at a 35 degree angle toward and close to Hogan's face. A moment later it's about two feet away from his face.
Continuity mistake: In Room 210, Newkirk's sleeves are down to his wrists, but in the close up of his hands, the sleeves are totally missing.
Will the Blue Baron Strike Again? - S4-E12
Continuity mistake: The cigar Hogan takes from Klink goes from green to light brown when starts to name the top invitees to the party.
Continuity mistake: As the ambulance leaves the hotel, there is snow on top of the fenders and spare tire. Back at the truck, there is snow on the fenders, but not the spare. This would be impossible as at the speed driven, the snow would have blown off any horizontal surface.
Continuity mistake: As Hogan, Carter, and Newkirk go to get out of the Army truck, the ambulance doors are wide open. As Hogan walks by, the doors are straight out toward the truck.
Continuity mistake: In this episode, the Notausgang (Emergency Exit) sign is over the door. In other episodes, it is on the door.
Continuity mistake: The bridge Buckles and the boys put TNT on is significantly different than the one blown up. Also, the one destroyed is a re-used shot of a bridge being blown up.
Continuity mistake: The apple that Freddie is eating at the end goes from green to red.
Continuity mistake: When Hogan is by the truck, Newkirk responds to his question about packages. Crittendon has his swagger stick under his arm, then it's suddenly in front if him in his hands.
An Evening of Generals - S3-E13
Continuity mistake: In Klink's office, the lower corner of the poster Hogan holds up alternates between being over the right side of his chest, to being tucked under, and back.
An Evening of Generals - S3-E13
Continuity mistake: In the barracks, after Hogan asks Newkirk about volunteering, the coffee cup Newkirk has is held with his left hand fingers in the handle. After the angle cut, the cup is in his hand with the handle toward the camera.
The Safecracker Suite - S1-E27
Continuity mistake: After saying "I hate to be a killjoy", Newkirk has his fork up and pointed towards Kinchloe. A second later, it's pointed down.
Anchors Aweigh, Men of Stalag 13 - S1-E16
Continuity mistake: After saying that Michaels disappeared, truck and all, Klink brings his hands together, and interlaces his fingers. A second later, the fingers interlace again.
Answer: It's a solitary cell. Steve McQueen, star of 'The Great Escape' is known as the 'Cooler King'.