Hogan's Heroes

Season 6 generally

Continuity mistake: The display behind Klink changes. Sometimes, a map of the area around The Stalag, sometimes a layout of the the Stalag. Also, the picture of Hitler with the microphone bug. Sometimes there, sometimes moved, or gone completely.

Movie Nut

Show generally

Continuity mistake: Throughout the whole series, the guys access the tunnels through a trapdoor built into the bunk closest to what appears to be the east end of the barracks. What is interesting is the method used to make the trapdoor open and the bunk rise. sometimes, it's two taps, two slaps, or two pushes of a "key", a panel that's made to look like the side of the bunk.

Movie Nut

Show generally

Continuity mistake: The scar on Burkhalter's right cheek changes location, relative to the mole on that cheek, in every episode. Possibly in every take.

One Army at a Time - S5-E20

Continuity mistake: After shooting the bridge with the tank, a cap at the end of the tank barrel is off.When carter says he is going to miss a captured film, the cap is on. In the next shot the cap is off again.

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Suggested correction: There is no mistake. That was not the end of the gun barrel. Look closely.

Up in Klink's Room - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: When Helga brings in Klink's dinner and sits it down, Klink takes off his monocle. In the close up, it's on and his hands are folded, then he points to a chess piece, contemplating a move. In the wide shot, he's holding his monocle, and puts it on.

Movie Nut

Show generally

Continuity mistake: The breast eagle on Schultz's uniform is sewn on backwards after the first season, and his belt buckle also changes from a Luftwaffe buckle to a different one.

Bombsight - S5-E7

Continuity mistake: All through the episode, we are in a snowy, wintry camp surrounded by hills and trees. The target Gen. Burkhalter points out however is a little shed on a flat-as-a-board prairie with not a flake of snow OR a single hill visible anywhere, and the brown grass of late summer. (Yes I noticed there are some mountains off in the distance. So not relevant for this mistake).


Colonel Klink's Secret Weapon - S2-E28

Continuity mistake: During the inspector general's visit, Le Beau and Newark fall out with switched hats (i.e. Newark is wearing Le Beau's red hat and vice versa). In the next shot when in formation, they are wearing their own hats. (00:21:00 - 00:22:00)

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Trivia: A sinister aspect of an otherwise lightheated comedy, but the fact is that Hogan and his men are war criminals. They engage in combat activities behind enemy lines when not in uniform, and worse, while wearing enemy uniforms. The Germans tried that during the Battle of the Bulge and those arrested were shot.

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Answer: It's a solitary cell. Steve McQueen, star of 'The Great Escape' is known as the 'Cooler King'.

Answer: It's a slang term for an isolated jail cell. In wartime, POWs who attempted to escape or otherwise thwart their captors might be punished with solitary confinement, often in a cramped, poorly ventilated, windowless space.


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