Hogan's Heroes

Colonel Klink's Secret Weapon - S2-E28

Continuity mistake: During the inspector general's visit, Le Beau and Newark fall out with switched hats (i.e. Newark is wearing Le Beau's red hat and vice versa). In the next shot when in formation, they are wearing their own hats. (00:21:00 - 00:22:00)

The Swing Shift - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: When the Hof Brau is shown, the door is white and opens outwards, and no shrubbery. When Le Beau comes in, the door is completely different, opens inwards, and has a trellis and shrubbery by it.

Movie Nut

Killer Klink - S2-E24

Continuity mistake: As Schultz is going to get checked out, Hogan and the boys stop him, and Hogan feels Schultz's neck. Schultz's arms are by his sides, then after the angle change, they're by his hips. Also, there's two men walking behind the group that weren't there a second before.

Movie Nut

Heil Klink - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: In the beginning, Carter and Newkirk are wiring in the explosives. As they run the spool of wire, first it unrolls clockwise, then counter clockwise between shots.

Movie Nut

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Answer: Nimrod's actual identity was never revealed in the series. It was only known that he was a British intelligence agent. Nimrod was not Colonel Klink. Hogan had only implied it was him as a ruse to get Klink returned as camp commandant, not wanting him replaced by someone more competent who would impede the Heroes war activities. The term "nimrod" is also slang for a nerdy, doofus type of person, though it's unclear why that was his code name.


"Nimrod" is originally a king and hero mentioned in the Tanach and taken into the Bible and the Koran. His name is often used in the sense of "stalker," "hunter," and sometimes figuratively as "womanizer" as in "hunter of women." I've never seen it used to denote a nerdy person, and although I cannot disprove that connotation, I think given his role, the traditional meaning is more likely the intended one.


It's widespread enough that Wikipedia has an entire section on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod#In_popular_culture

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