Other mistake: At the fire, while they're searching for the missing boy, Marco feels the partition for heat and shouts to Captain Stanley, "Hey, Cap! Cap!" but the subtitles read, "Hey, Chet! Chet!" Then after the boy's rescue, we hear the Battalion Chief say, "LA, this fire's contained. All copy. Out 1 hour," but subtitles read "Talk 1 hour." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: At the start of this episode Squad 51 heads out to the construction site with the screaming woman, and Roy and John are in their full turnout gear, which means they've just spent the night at the station and it's early morning at the end of their 24-hr shift, yet back at the station Roy and John are getting into their uniform at the start of their shift, which is 8:00AM. Joanne Worley's screaming segment was filmed for an earlier episode, but was inserted into this episode.
Other mistake: When the cardiac arrest is first brought into the ER we hear "Let's get him intubated," but the weird subtitles read, "Let's get him elevated." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: At the construction site, after Johnny administers the epinephrine to the cardiac arrest, 39's paramedic resumes CPR, and when they're lifting the patient onto the stretcher Johnny says, "Stop CPR," but the subtitles read, "Start CPR," which makes no sense since they've been doing CPR all along. Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
The Wedsworth-Townsend Act - S1-E1
Other mistake: On scene at the "possible electrocution", when John is on the raised snorkel waiting for the power to be cut, we hear the worker who is up on the utility pole whistling to grab his co-worker's attention, but the subtitles read that it's John who whistles. Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: When Roy and Johnny are at base camp during the fire, they're dispatched to the incident at Jawbone Canyon. While en route, Battalion 5 orders Engine 51 to approach from the north, and we hear Captain Stanley respond, "Engine 51, 10-4," but it's odd that the subtitles read that Johnny is the one who responds. Later, after Tanker 44 tanks 51, Chet says, "Cap, we've got a charged line," but the weird subtitles read, "Captain's going to throw us a line." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: When Squad 51 is on scene at the drowning incident, the victim's wife is wearing very unusual rings. One ring has a jumbo orange ball, another has a large cluster of small gold balls, and the third has large black and white pearls. Later, when the models are at the station they are wearing identical rings as seen in the previous scene, Suzanne is wearing two of the prop rings and Kathy is wearing the pearl ring.
Other mistake: After the explosion occurs in Rampart's basement, when Engines 236 and 73 roll up on scene, we can see the engine companies' numbers are covered up atop their cabs, presumably to conceal the engine companies' real numbers.

Captain Hook - S6-E8
Other mistake: When John, Roy, and Chet are standing near the stove talking about how much they enjoyed Hookrader's party, there's a can of cleaning powder which has tape swirled around the can to hide the recognizable design and its brand name, which is Ajax.
Other mistake: All the guys are sitting around the table in the day room discussing how smart kids are, and when the tones drop we hear the dispatcher say, "Squad 51 possible assault victim," yet all the guys from the engine company rush off and head to the rig in the apparatus bay, even though only Roy and John were called.
Other mistake: When Johnny brings the officer who was shot into the ER, as soon as he's loaded onto the gurney Carol takes his BP then tells Brackett his BP, but she also tells him that his pulse is 120, even though she never took his pulse. Additionally, when Morton places the blood vials on the tray and tells the nurse, "I want this sent to the lab STAT, type and cross match, and CBC and differentials STAT," due to the urgency of the situation, but the nurse doesn't leave, she just stands for the rest of the scene.
Other mistake: When Squad 51 and the engine company arrive at the rock quarry, in the shot after John tells Jason to get the HT, just as Roy, Captain Stanley and Mike walk towards the right side of the screen, something drops down from the top of the screen, enough to cover the top left corner of the screen area, then gets pulled back up.

Other mistake: While Charlie is trying to figure out what's wrong with the squad, when Captain Stanley, Roy and John are sitting around the table, there's a can of scouring cleanser which has yellow tape covering the "a" and "x" so all we see is the "ja" on the can, in order to hide its brand name, which is Ajax.
The Tycoons - S5-E23
Other mistake: When Johnny and Roy are in the kitchen talking about pooling money for Davey's Dogs, there are three small containers of milk on the table which have tape covering the brand names.
Other mistake: At the start, when Roy is reviewing the list making sure he got everything, there are two containers of milk on the counter which have their brand names covered. As an aside, watch Chet as he empties the grocery bag and puts the aluminum can in the freezer.
Other mistake: At the scrapyard with the man who was nearly crushed in the car, when Roy takes his BP the stethoscope chestpiece is on the man's arm in the wide shot, but in the closeup the chestpiece hangs in mid-air not actually touching the man's arm, yet Roy continues to read the BP.
How Green Was My Thumb? - S3-E17
Other mistake: When Johnny and Roy take the elevator with the nurse, they take the elevator near the nurses' station, at the south end of the ER wing, and Johnny follows the nurse onto the 4th floor to try and get her name. This is completely impossible considering the actual floor plan of the hospital, since in all of the exterior shots of the ER it's only 2 storeys.
The Promise - S3-E11
Other mistake: Richard is in room 603 and jumps out of the 6th floor hallway window. In the long shot of the exterior of the building, we see that he's lying on the ledge of the row of windows that are second from the top. The elevator shows 8 floors, which means that he's actually lying on the 7th floor's window ledge.
Other mistake: Roy and Johnny are in the squad when they're dispatched to the fire at the junior high, and while en route in the interior shot, in the rear-view mirror we see the reflection of the driver's helmet, and it has an 18 on it, instead of 51.
School Days - S2-E14
Other mistake: At the start of the episode, the milk carton that Johnny takes out of the fridge has red tape covering the brand name and logo.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.