Other mistake: When Brackett's on the line with Johnny, who's with the quarterback on the field, Brackett has the third button (out of five) pressed to record the conversation on the tape machine. However, in episode 2x5, "Peace Pipe", Brackett presses two buttons - the third and fifth, when Squad 51 is at the scene of the drunk driver's accident, and in 2x10, "Dinner Date", Dixie presses the second button to record, when Squad 51 is with the little girl whose arm is stuck in the pool drain.
Other mistake: After Roy tells Captain Stanley, over the HT, that he and Johnny may have found something in the flooding storm drain, Captain Stanley uses his HT to contact Marco and Chet (who are driving Squad 51 while John and Roy are down below), and says "Squad 51, Engine 51..," but the subtitles read, "Car 51, Engine 51..." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: When the tones drop and Station 51 is dispatched to the "structure fire", there's a closeup of all the guys running from the kitchen and the back heading to the squad and engine, and none of them are actually 51's guys.
Other mistake: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the 'child in a coma', the address is given as "3705 Orchard", but when they park on the building's corner the street sign reads Colfax. As an aside, this is the same location/footage that is used in 2x5, "Peace Pipe", with the address given as "1017 Crocker" in that episode.
Other mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to the structure fire in the middle of the night, once they arrive at the burning house, one of the first shots shows a crowd of bystanders, many in their robes. That footage is from season 1, the pilot episode "The Wedsworth-Townsend Act", during the factory fire at the start of that episode.
Other mistake: After Station 51 responds to the 'man caught in an air conditioning duct', when they get on the elevator its metal sliding doors and metal jamb on the lower lobby have scratches and dents on the exterior, and the same scratches and dents are on the doors and jamb, when they reach the upper level.
Other mistake: When 51's guys are watching an Adam-12 episode on TV (in Emergency!'s pilot, Reed and Malloy are real), on that show just after Reed is knocked out, the hitman says "Nate would've blown his stack if I'd let you go," (refers to hitman's partner, Nate), but Emergency!'s DVD subtitles read, "Pete would've blown his stack," (Pete Malloy is Jim Reed's partner). Moments later hitman Nate yells, "I wanna talk a deal," but subtitles read, "I wanna talk to Neil," and there isn't even anyone named Neil.
Other mistake: After being dispatched to the heart attack, when John and Roy have cardioverted the V-fib Brackett asks for another EKG strip, and when Brackett lifts the chart paper to read it, it just shows flatlining, no rhythm whatsoever.
Other mistake: There are two specific pieces of stock footage used from season 3 onward, when the camera faces the fire station, it shows either just Squad 51, or both Squad 51 and Engine 51 pulling out of the apparatus bay, then turning left (viewer's right) onto E 223rd St, and the real Station 127's Truck 127 can be seen parked in the side driveway. Examples are: In season 6, "The Exam", when Squad 51 responds to Molly's phone call, and in "Hypochondri-Cap", when Station 51 is dispatched to an 'unconscious female in a car'.
Other mistake: After Station 51 arrives at the structure fire, Captain Stanley tells Mike to get water to their lines (charging the two lines) and then mule the supply line back to the hydrant. When Marco and Chet get the two lines, they head to the house with Captain Stanley and start hosing the fire down with charged lines. A few shots later, we see Mike going to the back of Engine 51, and the two lines that Chet, Marco, and Cap have been using are flat and not even charged yet.
Other mistake: When Engine 51 pulls up to the hotel with the injured man dangling from the hotel sign, Captain Stanley addresses Chet and says, "Chet, Roy and John'll need a line," but the subtitles read, "See that? Roy and Dan'll need a line, " even though there isn't anyone named Dan. Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: When the tones drop and Station 51 is dispatched to a "man injured", there is a closeup of the guys running from the kitchen into the apparatus bay, heading for the squad and engine, and none of them are actually 51's guys.
Other mistake: During the fire at the chemical plant, when Captain Stanley and Roy find the missing man and carry him out, the subtitles read that Johnny says "All right, grab his feet," when in fact it's Captain Stanley who says that - Johnny's not even in the same room with them. Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Other mistake: When the dispatcher sends Squad 51 to the heart attack at the bank robbery location, the address is given as "2057 North Hillcrest, cross street Barker," but when they arrive at the corner bank, the sign reads Celis Street.
Propinquity - S3-E20
Other mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to the traffic accident, while en route first we see Engine 51 with nobody on the back, but then we see two firemen standing at the back, and they are Johnny and Roy. This footage is from the episode "The Old Engine" in season 3, when Station 51 got the new Ward La France engine, and since the previous shift was still out with the squad, Cap told Roy and Johnny to jump on the back and join them on their first run with the new engine.
Inventions - S3-E22
Other mistake: After Johnny and Roy are seen carrying the semi-conscious worker during the chemical leak, Captain Stanley tells Mike to get the life gun, and tells Chet to secure a lifeline, then before he mentions getting the guys from the catwalk via the lifeline, we hear Captain Stanley tell the Battalion Chief (into his handie-talkie), "Battalion 14, Engine 41," even though he's Engine 51, not 41. Additionally, when Cap tells Chet about the lifeline, two firemen behind Chet are wearing helmets with no company numbers on them.
The Promise - S3-E11
Other mistake: When Johnny and Roy get back to the station, Chet tells Johnny that Paula's going to come by around 12:30 PM, then when the dispatcher sends Squad 51 on the 'woman down' run he says "Time out 12:22." When the guys get back to the station again, Paula tells Johnny that she arrived around noon and that Engine 51 left on a run shortly after.
Other mistake: When all the guys are asleep in the dorm, at 12:47 AM the dispatcher drops tones for Squad 51 and we hear him say, "Squad 51, person sick," yet the footage that is shown is of all the guys getting up, not just Roy and Johnny, putting on their turnouts.
Paper Work - S6-E11
Other mistake: When the little boy is stuck in the storm drain with the rushing water from the broken hydrant, Johnny climbs into the manhole and is submerged up to his shoulders in water while dealing with the boy, but when they lift the boy out and lay him on the grass, Johnny is quite dry except for some wet patches on his shirt.
Other mistake: When dispatch drops tones for the fire at Graymar Plaza, we see Engine 8 rolling out of the apparatus bay and heading down the street, but the problem here is that this footage of Engine 8 is from season 5, episode "Equipment", when Johnny was at Station 8 doing overtime, and we can actually see Johnny sitting there on Engine 8 as it rolls by.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.