Red Dwarf

Me2 - S1-E6

Corrected entry: There is a contradiction of when the radiation leak that wiped out the crew took place. In the episode "Stasis Leak" Lister says it was three weeks after 2nd March. However in the episode "Me Squared", Lister says it was six months after Gazpacho Soup Day, which was the 25th November.

Correction: The calendar has been shifted around a bit since the present day to accomidate the month of Geldof and a space-faring society.

Captain Defenestrator

Correction: We've seen from previous episodes that when the timeline is altered, there's a brief "sorting out" period while causality adjusts. The other Lister's hand hadn't disappeared just yet, but would soon.

Captain Defenestrator

In fact recent Quantum Theory suggests that time has a way of 're-adjusting' itself. Hence the 'Grandfather' paradox being impossible because time would have a way of preventing this from happening in the first place. Or if it does other things happen after to the timeline so that things sort themselves out.

Quantum Theory suggests no such thing. All evidence in science is that the arrow of time is always to the future.

Show generally

Corrected entry: If Rimmer is a hologram, why does his head make an impression on the pillow when he lies down? The pillow isn't a hologram. Rimmer doesn't ask for it to be turned on and its there when he's not in the room.

Correction: Rimmer's blankets and pillow are hologrammatic as well, since a hologram sleeps in them. They may just be left on full time for simplicity's sake.

Captain Defenestrator

Timeslides - S3-E5

Corrected entry: We learn in "Ouroboros" in series 7 that Lister is his own father, and Kochanski is his mother. However, if this is so, when Lister fixed time so he never joined the Space Corps, that would mean he never met Kochanski, so his father never met his mother, so he should never have been born, and even if he was, his life should have taken a radically different path from that it did.


Correction: These are all time paradoxes. Each story that involves time travel uses it's own set of rules involving these. Whatever rules exist for time travel in the "Red Dwarf" universe clearly allow for these things to happen the way they did.


Tikka To Ride - S7-E1

Corrected entry: Lister says that killing your past self will cause you to die, thus making it impossible to go back in time to kill your past self in the first place. So how was JFK able to kill himself at The End of the episode? If he killed himself, he would have still survived as he wouldn't have been unable to go back in time and kill himself in the first place, the same was as the crew survived their attack.


Correction: It's a temporal paradox - a mainstay of time-travel stories. As time travel doesn't exist, writers are allowed to handle these things in their own way. In this case, the Kennedy from a timeline where he survives is brought back to shoot his prior self. The moment that the bullet hits, reality shifts onto a new timeline, parallel to the other one. The living Kennedy's timeline no longer exists, but it doesn't erase the fact that it did exist - the crew don't lose their memories of the events that took place there and so forth - and so there was a Kennedy who survived Dallas who came back to alter the timeline.


Pete (1) - S8-E6

Corrected entry: When Lister and Rimmer are having their clothes and hair eaten by the potato virus, Lister's trademark locks abruptly disappear before the virus starts working on his hair.

Correction: No, they fell on the ground behind him.

Epideme - S7-E7

Corrected entry: In the opening moments of the episode, The Cat reveals that he educated himself because there was no-one else around on Red Dwarf to teach him. Yet in the first ever episode, the Cat tells Lister that he learnt about Frankenstein and the 'virgin birth' whilst he was at 'kitty-school'.


Correction: In the first series, it is said that the only other cats were lame or stupid, and all died while Cat was still young. His 'kitty-school' may have been what those other cats told him, most of which he might have forgotten by adulthood, hardly a full education. It left him plenty of time to try and teach himself about his world.

Timeslides - S3-E5

Corrected entry: After Lister manages to make himself the inventor of the tension sheet, Rimmer is in the the sleeping quarters and Lister's bunk can be seen behind him, still just like it was. If Lister was never on Red Dwarf then why is all his stuff still in his bunk and on the walls?


Correction: The Space Corps would still have hired someone to fill the vacancy that Lister would have filled had be been around. Presumably the new guy is a slob like Lister.

Out Of Time - S6-E6

Corrected entry: It has already been proven that the Teleporter picked up from the Simulant ship in Rimmerworld has the ability to transport both time-and-space: Kryten accidentally sends himself, the Cat and Lister back in time a week (and then later, forward several weeks) while at the same time transporting them back to the 'bug. If that were so, why would they be interested in a Time Drive?

Correction: The teleporter works randomly and is hard to control, and the Time Drive can be programmed precisely.

Correction: That's the whole point. It's 'fool's mate', checkmate in three moves, with only a few pieces moved. Clever plotting, not a mistake.

Correction: Maybe it's the microphone of the camera he's holding? It'd be a bit pointless to talk to a camera to make a ship log if there weren't some recording device attached to it.

Correction: Seeing as Ace was previously using the croc to surf, perhaps the croc continued to circle for a while longer.

Soylent Purple

Duct Soup - S7-E4

Corrected entry: At The Beginning of the episode, Kochanski is banging on the pipes with a spanner using her right hand. When the shot changes, she's using her left hand. There is no time for her to have changed hands between shots.

Correction: For the first half of the scene, Kochanski is using her right hand to hit the pipes, then bringing the wrench to the center of her chest and holding it with both hands. You can see this when she moves her left hand away from the wrench, and is still holding it with her right. The fourth time she hits the pipe, she holds the pipe with her right hand, and uses her left to swing the wrench. (Most likely, to try and avoid the set falling apart from the wrench assault.)

Backwards - S3-E1

Corrected entry: If you look behind Rimmer and Kryten in the cafe, you see a menu board with all the foods spelt backwards, reading right to left. Nothing wrong with that, except the letters are still all 'forwards', instead of a mirror image as would happen if everything was reversed. The same is true for the 'Nodnol 871 selim' marker.

Correction: As all the signs seen in the backwards world have the words spelled backwards, with the actual letters the correct way round, it's reasonable to say that that's just how things work in that reality.


Holoship - S5-E1

Corrected entry: Nirvana claims the Holoship has 'just under 2000' crew members. Given that the holoship can ONLY support that many holograms, Nirvana's Crew Member Number should be lower than 2000. (Dead Man's Boots would replace crew members, number for number without increasing it.) It is, however, 4172 according to the test computer.

Correction: The Holoship has just under 2000 active holograms. There is nothing to prevent the ship from having the files for other crew members in case of accident or specialists. Much in the same way Red Dwarf can only have one active hologram but has others on file. Most notably Kochanski whose file Lister attempts to locate in an episode.

Bodyswap - S3-E4

Corrected entry: When Rimmer (in Lister's body) is scoffing food under his sheets, Lister (as Rimmer) wakes up and leaps off the top bunk and he makes a thud as he hits the floor, now seeing Lister is a hologram in this scene he shouldn't have made a noise on impact with the floor.

Correction: As he is a hologram, he shouldn't be able to lay in abed without falling through, use the lifts, or get any traction on the floor when walking. If you can accept that he can also see and hear despite being made of light, you should be able to accept that Holly has programed the light-bee to emit fotstep sounds when he walks/lands to make him appear more human.

Soylent Purple

Correction: Rimmer is lying, trying to sound like he has been with more women. He was very drunk back in "Memory" and is trying to cover up that mishap (Hence his comment about the walnut interior of the Bently).

Soylent Purple

The Inquisitor - S5-E2

Corrected entry: If The Inquisitor has generated a replacement Lister and Kryten, why does Holly not recognize the original Lister and Kryten's authorizations? They should have had the same authorization - certainly Kryten, who is registered as "Additional 001", indicating he is the one and only CPU that has been added to Red Dwarf's compliment during it's voyage; the replacement Kryten would likewise be "Additional 001".

Correction: Holly may also be programmed to recognise voices. The replacements would sound different to the original Lister and Kryten.

Andy Benham

Correction: We don't know exactly what protocols he's forced to obey. It may just be in certain situations (Kryten seems to side with Lister a lot more when it's "Life or death", perhaps with a Hologram's decisions would be biased, since they're already dead) that he's programmed to do this. Also, considering that it was Lister who repaired him at the start of series three (and has repaired him again at least once since), there are likely to be one or two faults in him.

Gary O'Reilly

Kryten - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When Kryten paints Rimmer's picture, he paints Rimmer wearing his Series 1 uniform, when he is plainly sitting there in his Series 2 uniform. Kryten couldn't possibly have known what Rimmer's Series 1 uniform looked like, as he wasn't there. (00:26:00)

Correction: Kryten also paints him on the toilet, despite Rimmer not sitting on one. He is rebelling and using his imagination, such as it is. It's not really a continuity error, as Kryten is deliberately acting up.

Skipper - S12-E6

Plot hole: Kryten explains that the quantum skipper must be recharged after every use, and the time this takes must be must be taken into account. This is an important plot device the first time Rimmer uses it, but it is conveniently forgotten for the rest of the episode.

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Trivia: The actor who plays the original Kryten, in 'Kryten', also turns up later as the voice of Talkie Toaster.

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Answer: Presumably he does, but it's never been used in any material related to the show. He is the only Cat left (as shown in Series 1), so even if he had once had a name, nobody would know it.


Answer: In the book, the Cat finds the concept of a name confusing, as he's convinced he's the center of the universe and the idea that someone wouldn't know who he was is baffling.

Brian Katcher

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