Corrected entry: In the previous episode, Baxter was changed into an ape using the time wand and wasn't changed back before it was destroyed; yet here he is back to normal.
Corrected entry: Whilst Banks is doing his evaluation of the crew, he says that Lister's age is "Mid 20's", indicating that Lister hasn't aged at all since The Beginning of the series, 4 years ago.
Correction: Lister states in the episode "Future Echoes" in the first series that he is 23 years old. Thus, by simple addition, in "Holoship" he would be 27 - which could just about be said to be mid 20s.
Corrected entry: If Able was addicted to Otrazone, and he was running out, why would he offer some of his remaining supply to Kryten?
Correction: He knew nothing about Kryten at that stage, and might have thought he was a fellow addict with supplies of Otrazone available to him. Making friends with him with a (small) nip might have made sense to him at the time.
Corrected entry: After the crew recover from the Despair Squid and Kryten is telling everyone why they where who they were in the hallucination he said that Rimmer was half-brother with Lister so that he [Rimmer] could not blame his parents and upbringing for his failures as his brother was successful. This makes no sense as Rimmer really does have three brother who all went on to become successful graduates of the Space Corp, yet he does still blame his parents,so his despair hallucination is flawed.
Correction: Rimmer's despair hallucination does take on many elements of his real existence, but it amplifies them even further - in the hallucinatory 'reality', his brother is apparently one of the most powerful people in the world, while he himself appears to be a down-and-out - in the real world he at least had employment, even if it wasn't exactly a great job. As we see in "Terrorform", Rimmer's self-loathing is pretty high anyway - the hallucination merely took that and boosted it to the point where he would commit suicide.
Corrected entry: Why does Lister ask Rimmer about losing his virginity? Rimmer told Lister truthfully in Series 2 (episode "Thanks For The Memory") that he had only had sex once in his life - with Yvonne McGruder. When the crew erased their memories, they did not erase Rimmer telling Lister about Yvonne - so why doesn't he remember in Marooned?
Corrected entry: In this episode Rimmer receives a letter telling him his father is dead, however in an earlier episode he said that his father committed suicide. He already knew his father was dead, so why was he so shocked by the letter? And for that matter, why did his mother tell him his father was dead?
Correction: He says "...before that rather unfortunate suicide business." The joke in it is that Rimmer's Father was saying that with a short haircut, you can handle anything, but then something came up and he obviously couldn't deal with it so he attempted suicde. Rimmer doesn't actually say that his father killed himself, just "unfortunate suicide business" which could mean he attempted suicide, but failed. It's a long shot, but possible, especially when considering Rimmer's usual poor choice of words and his tendancy to crave attention/lie about his family.
Corrected entry: After the first time the 'High' Kryten gets shot, he says 'Poor devil, his gun must have gone off accidentally', however, his lips don't move. (00:12:50)
Correction: Given the thickness of the latex mask that the actor is wearing, it is sometimes difficult to see if his lips are moving. Upon closer inspection however, Krytin is moving his jaw (its easier to tell that way).
Corrected entry: Why do they build gallows when they bring out the firing squad and end up shooting, not hanging Winnie the Pooh?
Corrected entry: When Kryten is lying to Lister and saying that his deletion is not Lister's fault, his right foot (and eventually his whole body) is jiggling: Lister says that this is how he knows Kryten is lying. However, Kryten has told lies many times since Lister taught him to, and this foot-jiggling has never been seen before or since.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: When Lister convinces his past self to "invent" the Tension Sheet, he, Cat and Kryten vanish, having never become part of the Dwarf's crew. When Rimmer visits Lister, Lister does not remember him, because they have never met - if Lister can't remember people he's never met, why can Rimmer and Holly?
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Me2', when Lister is taking the painting to the room belonging to the two Rimmers, he stops outside the door, and says 'Second Technician Arnold J Rimmer and Second Technician Arnold J Rimmer'. He then presses the pad to open the door. Watch carefully, as the door opens before he touches the pad.
Correction: Neither Rimmer would be able to touch the pad, so it could be light-sensitive so the Rimmers don't have to walk through the door.
Corrected entry: When trying to convince Rimmer that he knows him, Lister says that Rimmer once manned the 'Samaritans' helpline - and that four people had committed suicide in one afternoon after phoning Rimmer. But in the episode 'The Last Day' the incident is also mentioned - but then it was five people (not four) and it was in the morning (not afternoon).
Correction: Different incidents, obviously. Since when has failure discouraged Rimmer? How many times has be sat the navigator's exam?
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Tikka To Ride', Lister tells us he has recently passed his 28th birthday. He was 25 in 'Future Echoes', meaning that all the episodes up to this point have taken place in around 3 years. However, dialogue in 'Back To Reality' and 'Holoship' (which took place before 'Tikka To Ride') says that the crew have been travelling for around 4 years.
Correction: They have been travelling at very rapid speed, and relativity is starting to show its effects. They may think they've been in space for four years, but they have only aged three.
Gunmen of the Apocalypse - S6-E3
Corrected entry: Although four bullets were fired (two from each shooter), only two bullets are heard falling to the floor...and the two bullets we see on the floor are perfectly formed and are not mutilated as they should be from hitting each other in mid air.
Correction: This isn't reality - you can't shoot bullets out of the air in real life. It's an AI game. Anything can happen.
Corrected entry: Some of the episode 'Meltdown' must have been filmed on a cold day - you can see Rimmer's breath condensing in the cold air. But surely Rimmer is a hologram - and holograms don't breathe (because they don't need to). Obviously they couldn't ask Chris Barrie (Rimmer) to stop breathing during filming...
Correction: It is established the a third of the run time of a computer with an IQ of 6000 is devoted to one hologram. Obviously he's going to get little details like visible breath in cold weather right.
Confidence and Paranoia - S1-E5
Corrected entry: In the episode "Confidence and Paranoia", Lister tells us there were 169 crewmen on Red Dwarf before the accident. By the episode "Justice", Rimmer is accused of murdering 1167 people on the Red Dwarf crew.
Correction: There are 169 crew, and obviously 998 people on board who are not crew. Civilian miners? (It's a mining vessel.) Passengers? (Many commercial craft take passengers.) Crew members' families? (They're going to be in space for five years - they might allow families on board). There are many answers, and they all work.
Don't forget the 400 inmates in Floor 13...that's nearly half the unaccounted deaths.
Timeslides - S3-E5
Corrected entry: Lister's saving of Adolf Hitler is shown as occurring at one of the dictators rallies at Nuremberg. The actual von Stauffenberg assassination attempt happened at Rastenburg in 1944, and the Nuremberg rallies ceased after 1938.
Correction: In this reality, yes. There is no telling how many different dimensions this crew have shifted through - maybe one where Hitler is still addressing the crowds in Nuremberg today?
Corrected entry: In the episode "D.N.A.", Lister tells Kryten he is an "enlightened 23rd Century guy", but if the clock in the episode 'Stasis Leak' is anything to go by, Lister was in fact born in the 21st Century. [If you accept that Lister is 25, then the year 2077 minus 25 means he was born in or about 2052]. The DNA Modifier is also incorrect in this episode by saying that Lister's species is "male, 23rd century human". This totally contradicts the entire premise of the episode 'Ouroboros' which shows the infant Lister being abandoned in The Aigburth Arms, Liverpool, in November 2155 (=22nd Century).
Correction: Lister is speaking of his easy acceptance of the times in which he lives. People born in the forties were 'Swinging Sixties' types, and I'm a 'Twenty-First Century Guy' despite being born in the last century. It's a method of expression, not mathematics.
Rimmerworld - S6-E5
Corrected entry: When Rimmer is narrating, he says he discovered a way to make a fully grown female based on his own DNA. Rimmer is a hardlight hologram and as such is made of light, he possesses no DNA to base the female (or male) clones on.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Admiral Rimmer signs the copy of "My Incredible Career" , the picture of Admiral Rimmer on the cover is of Rimmer's uniform from Series 1, as opposed to the Admiral's uniform he's wearing a couple of seconds earlier when we see him seated. (00:50:30)
Correction: The uniform may have changed between the time Rimmer supposedly wrote the book and the present meal.
Correction: Who said the time wand's effects are permanent?